Home Symptoms Vomiting anxiety: 11 main causes and what to do

Vomiting anxiety: 11 main causes and what to do


Vomiting cravings correspond to the urge to vomit, not necessarily resulting in vomiting, which can arise due to the consumption of very fatty foods, gastritis or even being indicative of pregnancy, for example. Some people also experience retching when they are in a boat or car that rocks a lot or when they see or feel something that they feel disgusted or disgusted, for example.

The craving usually precedes vomiting and is usually accompanied by a feeling of malaise, a bitter taste in the mouth and cold sweat. Nausea usually subsides after a few hours, however if it lasts more than 1 day, it is quite uncomfortable and the cause cannot be identified, it is recommended to go to the doctor so that you can investigate the cause of the nausea and thus assess the need of treatment.

What can it be

The retching may be a consequence of some situations, the main ones being:

1. Food

Eating too much or eating too many fatty foods can often hinder the digestive process, which results in nausea and, often, vomiting. In addition, food poisoning or intolerance to some type of food constituent, such as gluten, for example, can result in gastrointestinal changes, leading to diarrhea, feeling sick, nausea and vomiting. See how to identify gluten intolerance.

2. Labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis is the inflammation of a structure inside the ear, the labyrinth, and its main symptom is dizziness or dizziness, which usually results in nausea. Know the symptoms of labyrinthitis.

3. Gastrointestinal problems

Some gastrointestinal problems, such as gastritis, gastroenteritis, reflux and pancreatitis, for example, can cause, among other symptoms, malaise, burning sensation and retching, which usually appears soon after meals, generating a lot of discomfort.

4. Digestive bleeding

Gastrointestinal bleeding corresponds to bleeding somewhere in the digestive system and which can cause nausea and dark vomiting, which can happen in Mallory-Weiss syndrome, neoplasms, stress ulcers and hiatus hernia.

5. Migraine

Migraine corresponds to intense and pulsating pain on one side of the head that can cause, in addition to other symptoms, nausea and vomiting when it is severe. It is important to consult a general practitioner or neurologist so that the cause of the migraine is identified and some type of treatment can be started.

6. Hangover

The hangover happens when the person consumes alcoholic beverages in excess and, the next day upon waking up, he feels unwell, headache and eyes and nausea, which happens due to dehydration caused by alcohol and due to the excessive effort of the liver to eliminate excess alcohol.

7. Infections

Infections with viruses, fungi, bacteria or protozoa can cause a series of symptoms, and when the causative agent of the infection reaches the gastrointestinal system, for example, it can lead to seasickness and, consequently, vomiting. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of infection by any microorganism, it is important to go to the doctor to identify the cause and start treatment, thus preventing the progression of symptoms and worsening of the disease.

8. Psychological disorders

Some psychological disorders, such as stress and anxiety, for example, can lead to the appearance of physical symptoms, in addition to psychological symptoms, such as nausea, belly pain, increased heart rate and difficulty breathing. Learn how to recognize anxiety symptoms.

9. Very intense physical effort

The practice of physical exercises intensely, especially when the person is not used to it, can lead to retching and, often, to vomiting. This is because physical effort leads to changes in blood circulation and, depending on the intensity, causes an increase in the production of lactic acid by the muscles, which ends up being accumulated in the blood. Thus, in order to eliminate excess lactic acid, vomiting occurs.

10. Pregnancy

Seasickness is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy, and is usually present from the 6th week of gestation. Vomiting is one of the main symptoms experienced by pregnant women and appears more frequently in the morning. Vomiting in pregnancy does not usually result in vomiting, but should be reported to the obstetrician if it is frequent. Meet the first 10 symptoms of pregnancy.

Vomiting and nausea in pregnancy, when in excess, characterize a situation called hyperemesis gravidarum, which may require hospitalization of the embryo and hydroelectrolytic treatment, since the doctor should not indicate the use of antiemetics before the 12th week of pregnancy.

11. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia can be defined as a decrease in blood glucose values, producing symptoms such as dizziness or dizziness, lack of coordination and nausea, the main cause being an excess of insulin in the body.

What to do

In case of retching, it may be recommended to use some remedies that help relieve nausea, such as Bromopride, Metoclopramide or Domperidone, for example, which should be used under medical advice. Check out other remedy options for retching.

In addition to the use of medications, it is recommended to avoid consuming very fatty or heavy foods, as they hamper digestion and can cause nausea, drink plenty of water, which can be taken with a few drops of lemon, for example, and take teas, as they can lessen the feeling of vomiting, such as mint tea and ginger tea. Here's how to prepare ginger tea for seasickness.

Vomiting anxiety: 11 main causes and what to do