Home Bulls What does pink discharge mean after the fertile period

What does pink discharge mean after the fertile period


The pink discharge after the fertile period may indicate pregnancy because this is one of the symptoms of nesting, which is when the embryo settles in the uterine walls, and can develop until it is ready to be born.

Right after nesting, cells called trophoblasts begin to produce the Beta HCG hormone that fall into the bloodstream. Thus, to confirm the pregnancy, it is not enough to rely on the pink discharge and a Beta HCG blood test should be performed about 20 days after the day of sexual intercourse, because after that period the amount of this hormone is more easily detected in the blood..

The following table indicates the amount of this hormone in the blood in the first weeks of pregnancy:

Gestational Age Amount of Beta HCG in the blood test
Not pregnant - Negative - or test performed too early Less than 5 mlU / ml
3 weeks of gestation 5 to 50 mlU / ml
4 weeks of gestation 5 to 426 mlU / ml
5 weeks of gestation 18 to 7, 340 mlU / ml
6 weeks of gestation 1, 080 to 56, 500 mlU / ml
7 to 8 weeks of gestation

7, 650 to 229, 000 mlU / ml

Appearance of nesting discharge

The nesting discharge can be similar to egg white, watery or milky, with a pink color, which can come out in small amounts only 1 or 2 times. Some women have a texture similar to mucus or phlegm, with a few strands of blood, which is observed on toilet paper after urinating, for example.

However, not all women are able to notice this small discharge, so it cannot be considered a sign of pregnancy. But if you think you may be pregnant, take the test below:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Know if you are pregnant

Start the test

In the last month have you had sex without using a condom or other contraceptive method such as an IUD, implant or contraceptive?
  • Yes No

Have you noticed any pink vaginal discharge lately?
  • Yes No

Are you getting sick and want to throw up in the morning?
  • Yes No

Are you more sensitive to smells, getting bothered by smells like cigarettes, food or perfume?
  • Yes No

Does your belly look more swollen than before, making it harder to keep your jeans tight during the day?
  • Yes No

Does your skin look more oily and acne prone?
  • Yes No

Are you feeling more tired and more sleepy?
  • Yes No

Has your period been delayed for more than 5 days?
  • Yes No

Have you ever had a pharmacy pregnancy test or blood test in the last month, with a positive result?
  • Yes No

Did you take the morning after pill recently?
  • Yes No

What does pink discharge mean after the fertile period