Home Symptoms What is it and how to interpret vcm in the blood count

What is it and how to interpret vcm in the blood count


VCM, which means Average Corpuscular Volume, is an index present in the blood count that indicates the average size of red blood cells, which are red blood cells. The normal value of VCM is between 80 and 100 fl, and may vary according to the laboratory.

Knowing the amount of CMV is particularly important to help diagnose anemia and to monitor the patient after starting treatment. However, the VCM analysis must be done together with the analysis of the entire blood count, mainly HCM, RDW and hemoglobin. Learn how to interpret the blood count.

Possible VCM changes

The average corpuscular volume may be increased or decreased, each of which is characteristic of different health problems:

1. What can be high VCM

The high VCM indicates that the red cells are large, and an increased value of RDW is usually seen, a situation known as anisocytosis. Find out what RDW means in the blood test.

The increased value may be indicative of megaloblastic anemia and pernicious anemia, for example. But it can also be altered in alcohol dependence, bleeding, myelodysplastic syndromes and hypothyroidism.

2. What can be low CMV

Low CMV indicates that the red blood cells present in the blood are small, being called microcytic. Microcytic red blood cells can be found in several situations, such as minor thalassemia, congenital spherocytosis, uremia, chronic infections and especially iron deficiency anemias, which are also known as hypochromic microcytic anemias, as they also have low HCM. Understand what HCM is.

CMV in the diagnosis of anemia

For the laboratory diagnosis of anemia, the doctor mainly checks the hemoglobin values, in addition to the other indices, such as VCM and HCM. If hemoglobin is low, the type of anemia can be identified from the following results:

  • Low MCV and HCM: It means microcytic anemia, such as iron deficiency anemia; Normal CMV and HCM: Means normocytic anemia, which may be indicative of thalassemia; High MCV: Means macrocytic anemia, such as megaloblastic anemia, for example.

Based on the result of the blood count, the doctor may order other tests that may confirm the diagnosis of anemia. See which tests confirm anemia.

What is it and how to interpret vcm in the blood count