Treatment for sleep apnea usually starts with minor lifestyle changes depending on the possible cause of the problem. Therefore, when apnea is caused by being overweight, for example, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist to make a nutritional plan that allows weight loss in order to improve breathing.
When sleep apnea is caused or aggravated by cigarettes, it is advisable to stop smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day, to avoid inflammation of the airways and facilitate the passage of air.
However, in the most severe cases, such as when it is not possible to treat sleep apnea with only these small changes, other forms of treatment may be recommended, which are usually the use of CPAP or surgery.
1. Use of CPAP
CPAP is a device, similar to an oxygen mask, but which pushes air into the lungs through the swollen tissues of the throat, allowing normal breathing that does not interrupt sleep and, therefore, allows for more restful sleep.. Learn more about how this device works.
Normally, this device is only indicated when there is complete obstruction of the airways during sleep or when it is not possible to improve symptoms with changes in routine.
However, CPAP can be uncomfortable to use and as a result, many people choose to try other CPAP-like devices or perform surgery to correct the problem.
2. Surgery
Usually, surgical treatment for sleep apnea is only indicated when other forms of treatment do not work, it is recommended to try these treatments for at least 3 months. However, in some cases, the structures of the face need to be changed to correct the problem and, therefore, surgery can be considered as the first form of treatment.
The main types of surgery done to treat this problem include:
- Tissue removal: is used when there is excess tissue at the back of the throat to remove tonsils and adenoids, preventing these structures from blocking the air passage or vibrating, causing snoring; Chin repositioning: it is recommended when the chin is very retracted and reduces the space between the tongue and the back of the throat. Thus, it is possible to position the chin correctly and facilitate the passage of air; Implant placement: they are an option to remove tissue and help to prevent the soft parts of the mouth and throat from preventing the passage of air; Creation of a new air passage: it is used only in cases where there is a risk of life and other forms of treatment have not worked. In this surgery, a canal is made in the throat to allow the passage of air to the lungs.
In addition, all surgeries can be adapted to treat each person's specific problem and, therefore, it is very important to discuss all treatment options with the doctor.
Signs of improvement
Signs of improvement can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to appear, depending on the type of treatment, and include decreased or absent snoring during sleep, reduced feeling of tiredness during the day, relief from headaches and the ability to sleep without waking up at night.
Signs of worsening
The signs of worsening happen when treatment is not started and include increased tiredness during the day, waking up several times during the day with severe shortness of breath and snoring heavily during sleep, for example.