Home Symptoms 5 Treatment options for bell palsy

5 Treatment options for bell palsy


The treatment for Bell's palsy can be done through the use of medications and physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, with most people recovering completely in about 20 days to 1 month, however, these treatment options can help in recovery.

However, there are cases of people who took 3 to 6 months to fully recover, so it is recommended to consult a neurologist to analyze health conditions, confirm the diagnosis and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

Bell's palsy is an alteration of the facial nerve that changes the facial expression on only one side of the face, and the result is that one half of the face is completely paralyzed and expressionless, while the other half is more contracted than normal. This is a change that can be caused by viruses or a sudden change in temperature, but its causes are not always defined.

The treatment of Bell's palsy can be done with:

1. Remedies

The drug treatment of Bell's palsy must be indicated by the neurologist and consists of the use of corticosteroids, such as prednisone or prednisolone, and antivirals, such as acyclovir or vanciclovir, which can begin to be used up to 3 days after the onset of symptoms.

As Bell's palsy causes muscle contraction in the face, it can lead to pain, and in these situations, the use of analgesics, such as aspirin, dipyrone or paracetamol, may be recommended to relieve this symptom. Some studies are being developed to prove that the use of vitamin B12 supplementation also reduces symptoms.

In addition, if paralysis prevents the closing of one eye, it is necessary to apply an ointment directly to the eye before sleeping to protect it, avoiding extreme dryness, and during the day it is important to use lubricating eye drops and goggles. sun to protect from the sun and wind.

2. Physiotherapy

In physiotherapy sessions, the individual should perform exercises with facial muscles such as, for example, frown, send a kiss, smile showing as many teeth as possible and close your eyes tightly. These exercises are important to strengthen the facial musculature and improve blood circulation in the nerve that generated the paralysis.

Stimulating massages and in order to reduce muscle contractures can also be done to complement the treatment. In the first weeks of treatment, it is not recommended to use electrical stimuli as they can impair nerve recovery. Learn the 16 exercises you can do at home to recover faster.

3. Acupuncture

Some studies have been developed to evaluate the benefits of acupuncture in the treatment of Bell's palsy, and some results indicate that this technique of traditional Chinese medicine can improve the function and reduce the stiffness of the facial nerves, through the stimulation of nerve fibers in skin and facial muscles. See more how acupuncture is done.

4. Surgery

In some situations, surgery may be indicated by the doctor, especially in cases where there is a lot of involvement of the facial nerve, which is only confirmed after undergoing an electroneuromyography exam.

After surgery, psychotherapy may be indicated for psychological support, because when the face is very different from what it was before, it can be difficult for a person to recognize and accept himself, especially when it is necessary to develop professional activities in which there is contact with other people.

5. Speech therapy

Speech therapy sessions are indicated for the rehabilitation of the person who had Bell's palsy, as it helps to recover the movements and expressions of the face, in addition to helping to stimulate the functions of speech, chewing and swallowing. This type of therapy should be done by a trained professional and the number of sessions per week and the treatment time will be determined by the speech therapist together with the doctor.

How to eat after suffering Bell's palsy

When the mouth is affected, the food must be normal. Making chewing movements is important to prevent the muscles involved in this process from being severely compromised, however, it may be easier to start by eating soft and pasty foods, such as fruit porridge and purees, for example.

5 Treatment options for bell palsy