Home Bulls Crooked penis: why it happens and when it's not normal

Crooked penis: why it happens and when it's not normal


The crooked penis happens when the male sexual organ has some kind of curvature when it is erect, not being completely straight. Most of the time this curvature is only slight and does not cause any kind of problem or discomfort, and is therefore considered normal.

However, there are also cases in which the penis may have a very sharp curvature, especially to one side, and, in these situations, the man may experience pain during erection or even difficulty in having a satisfactory erection. When this happens, it is common for a man to have a condition, known as Peyronie's disease, in which there is the growth of hard plaques on the body of the penis, which cause the organ to curve more sharply.

Thus, whenever the curvature of the penis is considered to be very pronounced, or whenever it causes any type of discomfort, especially during sexual intercourse, it is very important to consult a urologist to identify if there is Peyronie's disease and to start the appropriate treatment.

When the crooked penis is not normal

Although having a penis with a slight curvature is a very common situation for most men, there are cases where, in fact, the curvature may not be considered normal and should be evaluated by a urologist. These cases include:

  • Angle of curvature greater than 30ยบ; Curvature that increases with time; Pain or discomfort during erection.

If any of these signs or symptoms appear, it is very important to consult a urologist, who may or may not confirm the diagnosis of Peyronie's disease, which can be done only through observation or tests such as radiography or ultrasound.

In addition to this disease, the crooked penis can also appear after a trauma in the region, as it can happen during a more violent sexual intercourse. In such cases, the change in the curvature of the penis appears from one moment to the next and may be accompanied by severe pain.

What is Peyronie's disease

Peyronie's disease is a condition that affects some men and is characterized by the development of small fibrosis plaques inside the body of the penis, which make the penis not have a straight erection, resulting in an exaggerated curvature.

The exact cause of this disease is not yet known, but it is possible that it arises due to minor injuries that occur during sexual intercourse or during the practice of some sports with greater impact. Better understand what Peyronie's disease is and why it happens.

How the treatment is done

In most cases, the crooked penis does not need any treatment, as it does not affect everyday life, does not cause symptoms or prevents men from having a satisfactory sexual relationship. However, if the curvature is very sharp, if it causes some kind of discomfort or if it is the result of Peyronie's disease, the urologist may advise you to undergo treatment, which may include injections into the penis or surgery, for example.

The injections are usually done when the man has Peyronie's disease and injectable corticosteroid drugs are used to help destroy the fibrosis plaques and reduce inflammation of the site, preventing the penis from continuing to show curvature.

In the most severe cases, when the curvature is very intense or does not improve with the injections, the doctor can advise you to perform a minor surgery, which serves to remove any plaque that may be affecting the erection, correcting the curvature.

See more about what treatments can be used in Peryonie's disease.

Crooked penis: why it happens and when it's not normal