Home Bulls What is bromopride for (digesan)

What is bromopride for (digesan)


Bromopride is a substance used to relieve nausea and vomiting, as it helps to empty the stomach more quickly, also helping to treat other gastric problems such as reflux, spasms or cramps.

The most popular trade name for this substance is Digesan, produced by Sanofi laboratories, but it can also be purchased at conventional pharmacies under other names such as Digesprid, Plamet, Fagico, Digestina or Bromopan, for example.

This medicine can also be used in children over 1 year of age, in the form of pediatric drops. The price of Bromopride varies according to the commercial name and the form of presentation, and can vary from 9 to 31 reais.

What is it for

Bromopride is indicated to relieve nausea and vomiting, treat disorders of gastrointestinal motility and relieve symptoms caused by gastroesophageal reflux. Learn to identify the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux and learn about other treatment options.

How to take

The dosage depends on the dosage form and the person's age:

1. Solution for injection 10 mg / 2mL

The recommended dose for adults is 1 to 2 ampoules a day, intramuscularly or in the vein. In children, the dose to be administered should be 0.5 to 1 mg per kg of weight, per day, intramuscularly or in the vein.

2. Oral solution 1 mg / mL

In adults, the recommended dose is 10 mL for 12/12 hours or 8/8 hours, according to the doctor's indication. The recommended dose for children is 0.5 to 1 mg per kg of weight per day, divided into 3 daily doses.

3. Pediatric drops 4 mg / mL

The recommended dose of Digesan pediatric drops in children is 1 to 2 drops per kg of body weight, three times a day.

4. 10 mg capsules

The capsules are only recommended for adults and the dose should be 1 capsule for 12/12 hours or 8/8 hours, as directed by the doctor.

Main side effects

The most common side effects that may occur during treatment with Digesan are restlessness, drowsiness, tiredness, decreased strength and exhaustion.

Although it is more rare, insomnia, headache, dizziness, nausea, extrapyramidal symptoms, excessive or inadequate milk production, enlarged breasts in men, skin rashes and intestinal disorders can also occur.

When not to take

This medication cannot be used during pregnancy or while breastfeeding without guidance from the obstetrician.

In addition, it is also contraindicated for children under 1 year of age and for patients with gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction or perforation, epilepsy, pheochromocytoma or who are allergic to Bromopride or any other component of the formula.

What is bromopride for (digesan)