Home Bulls Calcitran mdk: indications and dosage

Calcitran mdk: indications and dosage


Calcitran MDK is a vitamin and mineral supplement indicated to maintain bone health, since it contains calcium, magnesium and vitamins D3 and K2, which is a combination of substances that act synergistically to benefit bone health, especially in women in the menopause phase, when there is a decrease in hormones that contribute to the proper functioning of bones.

This vitamin and mineral supplement can be purchased in pharmacies for a price of about 50 to 80 reais, depending on the size of the package.

What is the composition

Calcitran MDk has in its composition:

1. Calcium

Calcium is an important mineral for the formation of bones and teeth, as well as the participation of neuromuscular functions. See other health benefits of calcium and how to increase its absorption.

2. Magnesium

Magnesium is a very important mineral for the formation of collagen, which is a fundamental component for the proper functioning of bones, tendons and cartilage. In addition, it also acts by regulating calcium levels in the body, together with vitamin D, copper and zinc.

3. Vitamin D3

Vitamin D acts by facilitating the absorption of calcium by the body, which is an essential mineral for the healthy development of bones and teeth. Know the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

4. Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is essential for an adequate bone mineralization and for the regulation of calcium levels inside the arteries, thus preventing the deposition of calcium in the arteries.

How to use

The recommended dose of Calcitran MDK is 1 tablet daily. The duration of treatment must be established by the doctor.

Who should not use

This supplement should not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the components present in the formula. In addition, it should also not be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers or children under 3 years of age, unless indicated by the doctor.

Calcitran mdk: indications and dosage