Home Bulls What is it for and how to take fluconazole

What is it for and how to take fluconazole


Fluconazole is an antifungal medication indicated for the treatment of candidiasis and the prevention of recurrent candidiasis, treatment of balanitis caused by Candida and for the treatment of dermatomycosis.

This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies, upon presentation of a prescription, for a price that can vary between 6 and 120 reais, which will depend on the laboratory that sells it and the number of pills contained in the packaging.

What is it for

Fluconazole is indicated for:

  • Treatment of acute and recurrent vaginal candidiasis; Treatment of balanitis in men by Candida ; Prophylaxis to reduce the incidence of recurrent vaginal candidiasis; Treatment of dermatomycosis, including Tinea pedis (athlete's foot) , Tinea corporis, Tinea cruris (groin mycosis) , Tinea unguium (nail ringworm) and Candida infections .

Learn to identify the symptoms of the various types of ringworm.

How to use

The dosage will depend on the problem being treated.

For dermatomycoses, Tinea pedis , Tinea corporis , Tinea cruris and Candida infections, 1 single weekly dose of 150mg fluconazole should be administered. The duration of treatment is usually 2 to 4 weeks, but in cases of Tinea pedis, treatment of up to 6 weeks may be necessary.

For the treatment of nail ringworm, a single weekly dose of 150mg fluconazole is recommended, until the infected nail is completely replaced by growth. Replacing fingernails can take 3 to 6 months and toes can take 6 to 12 months.

For the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, a single oral dose of 150mg fluconazole should be administered. To reduce the incidence of recurrent vaginal candidiasis, a single 150mg fluconazole monthly dose should be used for 4 to 12 months, as recommended by the doctor. To treat balanitis in men caused by Candida , 1 single oral dose of 150mg should be administered.

Who should not use

Fluconazole should not be used in people who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the formula. In addition, it should also not be used by pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding, without medical advice.

The doctor must also be informed about other medications that the person is taking, in order to avoid drug interactions.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that can occur during treatment with fluconazole are headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, increased enzymes in the blood and skin reactions.

In addition, although it is more rare, insomnia, drowsiness, convulsions, dizziness, changes in taste, dizziness, poor digestion, excess intestinal gas, dry mouth, changes in the liver, generalized itching, increased sweating, muscle pain can still occur, tiredness, malaise and fever.

Most common questions

Is there fluconazole in ointment?

No. Fluconazole is only available for oral use, in capsules, or as an injection. There are, however, antifungal ointments or creams indicated for topical use, which can be used as a complement to the treatment with fluconazole in capsules, upon the recommendation of the doctor.

Do you need a prescription to buy fluconazole?

Yes. Fluconazole is a prescription drug and, therefore, treatment should only be done if recommended by the doctor.

What is it for and how to take fluconazole