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What is the creatine supplement for?


Creatine is a substance produced in the body, by the kidneys and liver, and acts to increase energy in the muscles and develop muscle fibers. Therefore, it is widely used by some athletes, as a food supplement, to increase muscle mass and improve physical performance.

Creatine can be found for sale in pharmacies and health food stores, for a price of about 26 to 40 reais, which will depend on the brand and the quantity of product.

What is it for

Creatine is indicated for athletes who want to increase lean muscle mass, increase energy and muscle regeneration capacity, reducing inflammation in muscle cells and increasing muscle volume.

Learn more about the benefits of creatine.

How to use

The most common form of use is creatine supplementation for 3 months, in which about 2 to 5 grams of creatine are taken daily for 2 to 3 months. Another option is creatine supplementation with overload, in which in the first days 0.3 g / kg of creatine weight is taken, and the dose should be divided into 3 to 4 doses per day. This type of supplementation promotes muscle saturation and then the dose should be reduced to 5 grams per day for 12 weeks.

Creatine supplementation should be done under the guidance of a doctor or nutritionist and must be accompanied by intense training and adequate nutrition. It is also recommended that creatine be taken after training, along with a high glycemic index carbohydrate, so that a peak of insulin is generated and thus can be used by the body more easily, which has more benefits.

Possible side effects

Side effects of creatine are rare, but swelling of the belly or legs or kidney stone may occur.

Who should not use

Creatine is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to any component of the formula and should not be used by people with diabetes or liver or kidney problems.

What is the creatine supplement for?