Home Bulls Orange diet to lose weight

Orange diet to lose weight


To use orange to lose weight, you should consume 3 to 5 units of oranges a day, preferably with bagasse. It is not recommended to replace oranges with orange juice, although it is natural, because they have no fibers, which are important for controlling hunger and releasing the intestine.

Orange helps to lose weight because it is rich in fiber, water and vitamin C, nutrients that cleanse the intestine, fight fluid retention and detoxify the body, helping with weight loss, but in order to lose weight, it is necessary to consume in minimum 3 oranges with bagasse, per day, for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Orange diet menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu, following the orange diet:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 orange with bagasse + 4 whole toast with ricotta 1 glass of milk + 1 brown bread with margarine + 1 orange with bagasse 1 glass of orange juice with cabbage + 1 wholemeal bread with cheese
Morning snack 1 apple + 2 chestnuts 2 slices of papaya + 1 col of rolled oat soup 1 pear + 4 whole toast
Lunch dinner 1 grilled chicken steak + 3 col. of brown rice soup + 2 col. bean soup + green salad + 1 orange with bagasse 1 piece of cooked fish with vegetables + 2 small potatoes + 1 orange with bagasse Tuna pasta, tomato sauce and wholegrain pasta + braised cabbage + 1 orange with bagasse
Afternoon snack 1 low-fat yogurt + 1 col. linseed tea + 1 orange with bagasse 1 glass of orange juice + 4 cornstarch biscuits 1 low-fat yogurt + 3 ricotta toast + 1 orange with bagasse

It is important to remember that oranges should be consumed within a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Orange Juice with Cabbage Recipe

The cabbage juice with orange is the only juice allowed in this diet, being great for breakfast or snacks, as it is rich in fiber, vitamin C and folic acid, which improve the functioning of the intestine and prevent problems such as flu, colds and anemia.


  • 1 cup of orange juice 1 leaf of kale butter

Method of preparation

Beat all the ingredients in a blender or mixer and then drink, preferably without straining and without adding sugar.

Benefits of orange

In addition to helping you lose weight, eating orange with pomace also has the following health benefits:

  • Decrease bad cholesterol, for being rich in fiber; Prevent breast cancer, for containing flavonoids; Prevent premature aging, for being rich in vitamin C; Maintain heart health, for controlling cholesterol and facilitate blood circulation; Strengthen the immune system due to the presence of vitamin C.

These benefits are obtained by consuming at least 1 orange, but in order to lose weight, it is necessary to increase the consumption of this fruit.

3 steps to lose weight fast

If you need to lose weight check out the following video, what you need to do:

Orange diet to lose weight