Home Medicinal Plants What is the verbena plant for?

What is the verbena plant for?


Verbena is a medicinal plant with colorful flowers, also known as urgão or iron grass that, besides being great for decoration, can also be used as a medicinal plant to treat anxiety and stress, for example.

Its scientific name is Verbena officinalis L. and can be purchased at health food stores. In addition, Verbena can also be easily grown and maintained in the home garden. For this, it is necessary to plant the seeds of the plant, 20 cm underground, and about 30 or 40 cm away from other plants, so that it has space to grow. It is also important to water the plant every day, in order to keep the soil well moist.

What is it for

Verbena is used to assist in the treatment of gallstones, fever, anxiety, stress, insomnia, restlessness, acne, liver infections, asthma, bronchitis, kidney stones, arthritis, digestive disorders, dysmenorrhea, lack of appetite, ulcer, tachycardia, rheumatism, burn, conjunctivitis, pharyngitis and stomatitis.

What properties

The properties of Verbena include its relaxing action, stimulating milk production, sweating, sedative, calming, antispasmodic, liver restorative, laxative, uterus stimulant and cholagogue.

How to use

The used parts of Verbena are the leaves, roots and flowers and the plant can be used as follows:

  • Tea for sleeping problems: Add 50 g of Verbena leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Cap the container for 10 minutes. Drink several times throughout the day; Wash for conjunctivitis: Add 2 g of Verbena leaves in 200 ml of water and wash your eyes; Arthritis poultice: Cook the leaves and flowers of Verbena and, after cooling, place the solution on a tissue and apply it over painful joints.

In addition to home remedies prepared at home, you can also use creams or ointments already prepared with verbena in the composition.

Possible side effects

The side effects that can occur with the use of Verbena are vomiting.

Who should not use

Verbena should not be used during pregnancy. Find out which teas can be used in pregnancy.

What is the verbena plant for?