Home Medicinal Plants What is Quixaba for?

What is Quixaba for?


Quixaba is a tree that can have medicinal purposes, which can reach 15 meters in height, has strong spines, elongated leaves, aromatic and whitish flowers and dark purple and edible fruits. The bark of the quixaba tree can be used to make home remedies that help treat kidney disease and diabetes.

Quixaba can be purchased at some health food stores and markets, with an average price of 10 reais. Quixaba is also known as sapotiaba, black quixaba, caronilha, gibão ruppe and maçaranduba-da-praia, and its scientific name is Sideroxylon Obtusifolium .

What is Quixaba for

The quixabeira bark is used to help treat inflammation in the uterus, ovarian cyst and vaginal discharge, in addition to back pain, diabetes and to help heal skin wounds.

Here's how to prepare a great home remedy for diabetes.

Quixaba Properties

Quixaba has tonic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic and healing properties.

How to use Quixaba

The part of the quixaba used is the bark of this tree.

  • Ingredients for quixaba tea: Use 2 tablespoons of quixaba peels for 1 liter of water. Cook the peel in water for 15 minutes, then strain and take to assist in healing and anti-inflammatory treatments. Ingredients for alcoholic extract: Use 200 g of quixaba peel for 1 liter of grain alcohol. Macerate the peel for 24 hours with the alcohol in an appropriate and covered container. After maceration, set aside in a dark glass container to prevent the passage of light. Take a teaspoon of alcoholic extract with quixaba diluted in half a glass of water to aid in the treatment of diabetes.

The recommended daily dose of tea or alcoholic quixaba extract should be guided by a herbalist.

Side effects of Quixaba

Quixaba tea can cause hypoglycemia. The glucose rate must be controlled before drinking the tea so that the glucose does not fall below normal levels.

Contraindication of Quixaba

The use of quixaba as a medicinal plant is contraindicated for children, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people sensitive to the substances present in the quixaba tree and for insulin dependent diabetics.

What is Quixaba for?