Home Medicinal Plants Benefits of rhodiola rosea

Benefits of rhodiola rosea


Rhodiola rosea, also known as the Golden Root, is a medicinal plant traditionally used as an adaptogen, which increases the body's resistance to physical, chemical and biological agents that cause stress and helps regulate the body's systems. This plant can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores and some street markets.

The Golden Root also serves to help in the treatment of colds, anemia, sexual impotence, premature ejaculation, lack of memory, depression, stress, anxiety, muscle pain and mental fatigue.

What are the benefits

There are several health benefits that Rhodiola rosea has:

1. Protects the cardiovascular system

Rhodiola rosea protects the heart, as it normalizes the heartbeat after intense exercise, helps in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders and combats the effects of excess adrenaline, responsible for the increase in blood pressure and the elevation of blood lipids.

2. Stimulates memory

This medicinal plant is well known for reducing fatigue, improving mental performance, increasing concentration and improving memory and learning, increasing performance at work and daily tasks.

In addition, Rhodiola rosea intensifies the blood supply to the brain and muscles, prolonging the attention span.

Watch the following video and see other supplements that help improve memory and concentration:

3. Reduces stress and anxiety

The Golden Root also helps to reduce physical and psychological stress, because it promotes a moderate increase in endorphins, providing a sense of well-being, which also contributes to improving mood in depression. At higher doses it is a useful sedative for insomnia.

4. Strengthens the immune system

Rhodiola rosea stimulates immunity by increasing natural killer cells, improving T cell immunity and increasing resistance to stress. In this way, it helps fight infections and cancer, due to its anti-tumor, anti-metastatic and anti-mutagenic properties, which increase resistance to toxins and potentially harmful chemicals.

In addition, it reduces the recovery time for white blood cells suppressed from the blood due to treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

6. Reduces fatigue

Several studies prove that this plant reduces physical and mental fatigue in small doses and improves sexual vigor.

7. Improves sleep quality

This plant also contributes to improving sleep disorder caused by high latitudes, since in these cases it increases the potential for changes in the sleep-wake cycle and improves the quality of sleep in general, without producing the negative effects characteristic of synthetic stimulants.

How to use

Rhodiola rosea is mainly used in the form of capsules, tablets and solutions and the recommended dose depends on the percentage of dry extract contained in the medicine, generally varying between 100 and 600 mg per day, and should preferably be taken in the morning.

Examples of supplement brands that contain Rhodiola rosea in their composition are Fisioton, for example. Discover the Fisioton supplement.

In addition, it can also be ingested through tea, which can be prepared as follows:

  • Gold root infusion: put 1 teaspoon of plant root in a cup of boiling water, let it stand for 4 hours, strain and drink up to 2 times a day.

Who should not use

The golden root is contraindicated in states of excitement and should not be used by children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with a known history of allergy to any of the phytochemical components of the plant.

Possible side effects

No side effects of the golden root were found.

Benefits of rhodiola rosea