Home Medicinal Plants Valeriana officinalis: how to take to calm and sleep better

Valeriana officinalis: how to take to calm and sleep better


Valerian is a medicinal plant from the family of valerianaceae, which can also be known as valerian-botanical or wild valerian, and which is widely used to treat insomnia, anxiety and restlessness.

The scientific name of this plant is Valeriana officinalis and can be found in health food stores, drugstores and some supermarkets, in the form of dried roots to make infusions or capsules.

What is it for

Because it is a natural tranquilizer, Valerian can be used as a natural treatment for several disorders such as:

  • Insomnia; Agitation; Anxiety; Excessive tiredness; Nervous exhaustion; Excessive mental effort; Lack of concentration; Irritability; Stress; Symptoms of menopause.

The active principles of valerian influence the functioning of nerve cells, having a tranquilizing, anxiolytic, antispasmodic and relaxing effect.

How to take

Valerian can be used in tablets such as Valdorm, taking 1 to 3 tablets half an hour before bed, or even during the day, for a relaxing effect, or in tea, drinking about 2 cups a day. See more about how to make this tea.

If taken during the day, the supplement should be taken after the main meals.

Possible side effects

An overdose of valerian can cause tiredness, tremors, stomach pain, agitation, headache, dizziness, visual disturbance, delirium, hallucinations and emotional instability.

Valerian contraindications

Valerian should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, as the reaction capacity can be affected, one should not drive or consume alcohol after taking the supplement or drinking the tea.

Valeriana officinalis: how to take to calm and sleep better