Home Bulls Benefits of crystal peeling and how it is done (with before and after)

Benefits of crystal peeling and how it is done (with before and after)


Crystal peeling is an aesthetic treatment widely used to combat acne scars, fine wrinkles or blemishes, for example, without the need to use irritating chemicals for the skin. This is because it is performed with a device that contains aluminum hydroxide crystals at the tip that promotes suction of the skin, removing the most superficial layer and stimulating the production of collagen.

Crystal peeling should be done in a dermatologist's office as it is necessary to assess the intensity necessary to properly treat the skin problem. The price of crystal peeling varies between 300 and 900 reais, depending on the region and the number of sessions needed to treat the problem.

Before and after crystal peeling

Before the crystal peeling

After the crystal peeling

Benefits of crystal peeling

The main benefits of crystal peeling include:

  • Improves skin texture, in addition to making it firmer; Removal of skin blemishes, such as sun, freckles or blackhead spots; Attenuation of scars left by acne; Elimination of wrinkles and expression lines; Reduction enlarged pores;

In addition, crystal peeling can also be used to reduce stretch marks anywhere on the part, as aluminum crystals help the skin to produce more collagen, improving the firmness, elasticity and texture of the skin.

How Crystal Peeling Works

Crystal peeling removes the most superficial layer of the skin, eliminating dirt and oil, promoting a slight peeling of the skin that is essential to activate the collagen fibers responsible for improving the skin's support.

It can be done 1 to 2 times a week and the number of sessions required will vary depending on the person's skin condition, but the results can start to be seen right after the first session. Generally, a minimum of 3 sessions is recommended, once a week.

Crystal peeling is not indicated for people who have a lot of acne or herpes and the procedure for pregnant women can only be done if released by the doctor.

It is important that after carrying out the crystal peeling care is taken with the skin to prevent dark spots from appearing, and it is important that sunscreen is used.

Mary Kay crystal peeling

The Mary Kay product line also offers crystal peeling in the form of a microdermabrasion kit, TimeWise®, which can be done at home with just 2 simple steps, following the instructions on the product box.

In this peeling no device is used, and the removal of dead skin cells is done with a cream that has aluminum oxide crystals in its composition similar to those of crystal peeling.

The price of peeling of crista lda Mary Kay is approximately 150 reais and to buy just go to the big perfumery stores or order the product on the brand page.

Benefits of crystal peeling and how it is done (with before and after)