Home Bulls Diamond peeling: removes skin spots and fights wrinkles

Diamond peeling: removes skin spots and fights wrinkles


Diamond peeling, also known as microdermabrasion, is an aesthetic treatment that makes a deep exfoliation of the skin, removing dead cells from the most superficial layer, being very efficient to remove stains and fight wrinkles because it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential to keep the skin firm and uniform.

Despite being more suitable for facial treatments, diamond peeling can also be performed on other regions of the body such as neck, neck, arms and back, to remove small spots left by scars, for example. In addition, it is also a good therapeutic supplement to eliminate white or red streaks.

The diamond peel does not hurt and immediately after the procedure it is possible to immediately return to work and its social activities, unlike what happens when a chemical peel is done, in which it is necessary to stay away from these activities for a few days. Learn more about chemical peels.

Device used to perform the diamond peeling

During diamond pelling

What is it for

Diamond peeling has several benefits and can be used to:

  • Remove spots present in the most superficial layer of the skin, known as melanoses; Treat acne scars; Smooth and remove wrinkles; Unclog pores; Treat stretch marks; Decrease skin oiliness.

The diamond peel works from an exfoliation, performed with the aid of specific equipment, which in addition to removing the layer of dead cells, stimulates the production of collagen, improving the appearance, texture and appearance of the skin.

When it is indicated to do

Diamond peeling can be done at any time of the year, however it is more suitable when temperatures are milder, such as in autumn or winter.

After the procedure, wash your face with neutral soap, avoid exposing yourself to the sun and use sunscreen daily. A good way to remember to use sunscreen is to buy a face cream or makeup that already contains a sun protection factor in the same product. So the skin is not sticky or overloaded. See which is the best protection factor for each skin.

For the proper maintenance of the skin, after this deeper exfoliation of the skin, it is recommended to use good cosmetic products, from trusted brands or manipulated according to the need. Find out what the care is after microdermabrasion.

When not indicated

Diamond peeling is not recommended for those with very sensitive, inflamed skin or with acne of grades II, III or IV. In such cases, it is necessary to wait until the skin is healed and the dermatologist authorizes the procedure to avoid injuries.

How many sessions should I do

The number of diamond peeling sessions depends on the condition of the person's skin and the purpose of the treatment, and it may take two to five or five sessions to achieve the desired result.

The sessions usually last from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the area to be treated, the interval between each session should be 15 to 30 days and the procedure must be performed by a dermatologist, dermatofunctional physiotherapist or esthetician.

Diamond peeling: removes skin spots and fights wrinkles