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Zebra fish may help create new drugs


A group of scientists linked to the National Nanotechnology Laboratory, located in Campinas in the state of São Paulo, carried out a study in which a small fish of the species Danio rerio, popularly known as paulistinha or zebra fish, was used for the first time to test a type nanoparticle, which can be applied in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as cancer, for example.

The scientists in this study introduced the nanoparticle into the water where the zebra fish lives and then analyzed the results, looking at how that substance affects the functioning of the fish's body. Then, it was observed that these nanoparticles are not toxic, as they were able to interact inside the body of the fish without causing any damage, this means that this substance is compatible with a living organism and that in the future it can be applied in humans.

How the study was done

The scientists responsible for the study placed a type of nanoparticle, made from iron oxide and other chemical elements, in the water where a species of fish, known as zebra fish, lives, with genetic characteristics very similar to those found in humans. This species of fish has a transparent membrane and has a short reproduction cycle, which facilitated the analysis of the effects of magnetic and photoluminescent nanoparticles, that is, that emit a light radiation, in the organism of these animals.

To analyze whether the nanoparticle was toxic to fish, scientists explored the biodistribution of this substance, using images of a very specific type of X-ray carried out at the National Synchrotron Light Laboratory and through the chemical mapping of the nanoparticles verified that there was no damage to the zebra fish.. In this way, the nanoparticles do not cause malformation, swelling or any problem proving to be effective in the organism of these fish, just as it can be efficient in the human organism.

What the research found

In addition to demonstrating that the nanoparticles are non-toxic, the research results revealed that the absorption of the nanoparticles occurred mainly through oral exposure, and not through the skin, which may be a promising path for the future application of nanoparticles for oral administration in humans. human, particularly, nanoparticles with optical and magnetic properties, capable of being used in the diagnosis, screening, marking and treatment of cancer.

Furthermore, these substances can also be used for a variety of situations, such as improving the environment, helping to separate pollutants present in the air, reducing the number of cases of respiratory diseases and some types of cancer.

What next step

The scientists who carried out this study hope that the next research will have more advanced results, as they are planning to use more modern instruments to analyze the effects of nanoparticles on fish, through the use of Sirius, a laboratory that captures the specific light of nanoparticles. With this new laboratory, the expectation is that the experiments can be carried out in less time, with greater quality and quantity of responses.

Zebra fish may help create new drugs