Home Bulls Pentoxifylline (trental)

Pentoxifylline (trental)


Trental is a vasodilator drug that contains pentoxifylline in its composition, a substance that facilitates blood circulation in the body, and is therefore used to relieve symptoms of peripheral arterial occlusive diseases, such as intermittent claudication.

This remedy can be purchased under the trade name Trental, as well as in its generic form of Pentoxifylline, after presenting a prescription and in the form of 400 mg tablets.

Price and where to buy

This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies for approximately 50 reais, however, the amount may vary according to the region. Its generic form is generally cheaper, being between 20 and 40 reais.

What is it for

It is indicated to relieve the symptoms of:

  • Peripheral arterial occlusive diseases, such as intermittent claudication; Arteriovenous disorders caused by atherosclerosis or diabetes; Trophic disorders, such as leg ulcers or gangrene; Changes in brain circulation, which can cause vertigo, or memory changes; Blood circulation problems in the eye or inner ear.

Although this remedy helps to relieve symptoms, it should not replace the need for surgery in some of these situations.

How to use

The dose usually indicated is 1 400 mg tablet, 2 to 3 times a day.

The tablets should not be broken or crushed, but should be swallowed whole with water right after meals.

Possible side effects

Some of the most common side effects of using Trental include chest pain, excessive intestinal gas, poor digestion, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache and tremors.

Who should not use

This medicine is contraindicated for people who have had recent cerebral or retinal bleeding, as well as for patients with allergies to any of the components of the formula.

In addition, pregnant or breastfeeding women should only use the medicine with the indication of the obstetrician.

Pentoxifylline (trental)