Home Bulls Conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss


Conductive hearing loss, also known as hearing loss, is due to a problem in the middle ear or outside the ear, which prevents the sound from reaching the inner ear in a clear and noticeable way. Usually, this problem occurs because the ear canal becomes clogged or the ear bones, such as the stirrup, become more rigid, which prevents the eardrum from moving, occurring in the case of otosclerosis, for example.

The hearing loss can be unilateral or affect both ears and, in general, the conductive hearing loss is mild or moderate, varying from 25 to 65 decibels and, therefore, the individual can hear the sounds even if he cannot perceive everything at all. it had been clear.

Causes of conductive hearing loss

The most common cause of conductive hearing loss is obstruction of the ear canal, caused by the excessive presence of earwax. However, it can occur due to:

  • Infection in the ear canal or in the middle ear; Pierced eardrum; Liquid in the middle ear, like water; Presence of foreign objects in the ear canal; Otosclerosis, which is a malfunction of the ear ossicles; Tumors.

Usually, hearing loss is temporary, however, it is necessary to go to the otolaryngologist to detect the cause and start the most appropriate treatment. To know the most frequent causes of hearing loss read: Find out what are the main causes of deafness.

Symptoms of conductive hearing loss

Hearing loss in case of conductive hearing loss causes symptoms such as:

  • Listening to lower or muffled sounds; Pain in the ear; Swelling of the ear; Sensation of the plugged ear; Ringing in the ear; Dizziness; Sickness.

To treat conductive hearing loss, it is necessary to know the cause of the hearing loss and, in some cases, it is necessary to use a hearing aid or have surgery to place an implant in the middle ear and thus hear better. To learn how to treat hearing loss read: Learn about hearing loss treatments.

Conductive hearing loss