Home Medicinal Plants How to use the yohimbe plant

How to use the yohimbe plant


Yohimbe is a tree from South Africa, known for its aphrodisiac properties, which stimulate sexual appetite and help in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions.

The scientific name of this plant is Pausinystalia yohimbe , and it can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores or free markets. The dried peels of this plant can be used in the preparation of teas or tinctures, and can also be purchased in the form of supplements in capsules or concentrated extract.

What is Yohimbe for

This medicinal plant helps in the treatment of several problems such as:

  • Stimulates sexual appetite and helps to increase libido; Helps in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in men caused by stress and anxiety; Helps in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, as it dilates blood vessels and facilitates erection; Increases the sensitivity of the woman's intimate region; Helps in the treatment of depression, panic disorder and generalized anxiety; Stimulates muscle growth and can be indicated for athletes.

In addition, when indicated by the doctor, this medicinal plant can also be used to treat Alzheimer's disease and type II diabetes.

Yohimbe Properties

Overall, Yohimbe's properties include an action that improves performance, mood and power. This plant has a potent aphrodisiac effect, in addition to being responsible for dilating blood vessels, strengthening and prolonging the erection of the penis.

This plant improves blood circulation, releases more serotonin into the bloodstream and even fights mild depression.

How to use

Generally, dried Yohimbe husks are used to prepare homemade teas or supplements based on capsules, concentrated powder or concentrated extract containing dry plant extract.

Yohimbe tea for sexual dysfunction

The tea from this plant can be easily prepared using dry husks from the stem of the plant, as follows:

  • Ingredients: 2 to 3 tablespoons of dried Yohimbe shells. Preparation: place the dry husks of the plant in a pan with 150 ml of boiling water, letting the mixture boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After that time, turn off the heat, cover and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain before drinking.

This tea should be drunk 3 to 4 times a day under medical supervision, for 2 weeks of treatment.

Its use in the form of industrialized capsules is recommended so that it has the expected effect, it should be taken from 18 to 30mg per day, for at least 7 weeks, because this is the period that this plant takes to reach its maximum benefit.

Side effects

This plant when consumed in large quantities, or without medical supervision, can cause some unpleasant side effects, which may include:

  • Increased pressure and heart rate; Headache; Anxiety and insomnia; Nausea and vomiting; Tremors and dizziness.

With its use, symptoms such as vertigo, headache, lack of motor coordination, anxiety, hypertension, hallucinations may still appear.

When not to be used

This medicinal plant is contraindicated for pregnant or nursing women and for patients with diabetes, kidney, liver or stomach problems. In addition, this medicinal plant should not be consumed together with medicines for high blood pressure, antidepressants and medicines for the treatment of psychological disorders such as schizophrenia, for example. Yohimbe should also not be consumed while a person is eating foods rich in tyramine.

How to use the yohimbe plant