Home Medicinal Plants Medicinal plants for the 7 most common health problems

Medicinal plants for the 7 most common health problems


Medicinal plants are all those that have active ingredients that help in the treatment of diseases or that help to improve the health or quality of life of the person.

Popularly, medicinal plants are used in the form of teas or infusions, but there are also several plant extracts that can be consumed in the form of powder, capsules or tablets and which normally have a better effect, as they contain a higher concentration of the plant's assets.

Although medicinal plants can be a good way to maintain health, prevent disease and even complete the treatment of various chronic problems, they should not be used to replace any guidance given by the doctor and their use must also be informed to the physician. doctor, as several plants may interact with the drugs being prescribed.

Medicinal plants for the 7 most common problems

Depending on the problem you want to treat, there are several medicinal plants that are used by popular medicine. However, only a few of these plants have scientific proof.

Thus, some plants with greater evidence for the most common problems are:

1. High blood pressure

Some medicinal plants that have an effect capable of regulating blood pressure and fighting hypertension are:

  • Olive leaves: they have a vasodilating effect that allows lowering blood pressure. Some studies indicate that it may even have a similar effect with some pharmacy drugs, such as Captopril; Garlic: makes the blood more fluid and, therefore, is great for preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases, including high blood pressure; Crataegus: has a strong hypotensive action because it increases the concentrations of nitric oxide in the body, which allow the vessels to dilate, reducing the pressure.

These plants should be used for at least 3 to 4 weeks, so that it is possible to observe an effect under blood pressure. In addition, it is important to complete its use with a balanced diet with low sodium, as well as regular physical exercise.

See how to use these plants and other home remedies for high blood pressure.

2. Diabetes

For type 2 diabetes, there are also medicinal plants that seem to help better regulate blood sugar levels. Some of the most used include:

  • Blueberry: it has assets that bind to insulin and enhance its effect on the body, fighting resistance to this substance, which is very common in cases of diabetes; Cinnamon: in addition to also helping with the effect of insulin, cinnamon also improves the use and transport of glucose, preventing it from accumulating in the blood; Nopal: it is a type of cactus widely used in Mexico that also improves the action of insulin in the body, allowing sugar levels to be regulated more easily.

These natural options for diabetes should not replace the treatment indicated by the doctor, as they do not cure the disease, however, they can help to reduce the doses of some medicines used in the treatment indicated by the doctor.

Check out other options of home remedies to treat diabetes.

3. Urinary infection

Urinary tract infection is another frequent health problem that can benefit from the use of some medicinal plants, especially in preventing a new crisis or reducing discomfort during a urinary tract infection.

Some scientifically proven plants include:

  • Bearberry: Bearberry is a potent natural diuretic that helps eliminate urine. Thus, there is less accumulation and development of bacteria in the urinary tract, facilitating the treatment of infection; Capuchin a: in addition to being another good natural diuretic, capuchin also has active antibiotics that help fight infection; Cranberry: this fruit contains a high concentration of proanthocyanidins that hinder the adherence of bacteria in the urinary tract, greatly reducing the chances of having a urinary tract infection. Thus, it can be used by people who have recurrent infections, for example.

In addition to using these plants, it is important to follow all the doctor's guidelines, in addition to drinking about 2 liters of water a day and maintaining adequate intimate hygiene.

See how to use these plants properly to fight urinary tract infection.

4. Weight loss

The weight loss process can also be facilitated with the use of some medicinal plants, however, it is very important that its use is made together with a balanced diet, with few calories and indicated by a nutritionist. In addition, regular exercise should also be performed.

The most recommended plants for weight loss include:

  • Ginger: according to recent studies it seems to decrease the absorption of fats in the stomach, reducing its deposit in the body; Green tea: in addition to increasing metabolism and burning body fat, green tea also regulates appetite; Hibiscus: because it is rich in anthocyanins it helps to control the accumulation of body fat, as well as to control hunger and appetite, facilitating the weight loss process.

Check out some recipes for using these plants in the weight loss process.

5. Stomach pain and poor digestion

Gastric discomforts are relatively common, but in most cases, they can be combated with the use of teas such as:

  • Peppermint: helps to reduce the feeling of nausea and fights excess gas, and can be used when the stomach feels too stuffed, for example; Boldo: it is the perfect plant to use after a very large and heavy meal, with a lot of fat, as it facilitates the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, facilitating the digestion of fats; Fennel: this is a very versatile plant that stimulates the digestive process and can be used to relieve symptoms such as stuffed stomach, stomach pain or frequent burping.

If gastrointestinal symptoms appear very often, it is advisable to consult a gastroenterologist, as there may be a problem that needs to be diagnosed and treated properly.

See how to use these plants and others to relieve gastric discomfort.

6. External hemorrhoids

One of the best ways to relieve the discomfort of external hemorrhoids and accelerate healing is to do sitz baths with medicinal plants. Some of the most used include:

  • Horse chestnut: helps to improve blood circulation, as well as being anti-inflammatory, which reduces hemorrhoid swelling and pain; Witch hazel: it has great calming and healing properties that help to relieve discomfort and accelerate healing; Cipestre: in addition to reducing pain at the site, the cipestre also has antimicrobial action that prevents the onset of infection in the hemorrhoid region.

Learn how to use these plants to complete the treatment in a natural way.

7. Sore throat

Some plants are excellent for relieving sore throat, as they have anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties:

  • Ginger: is a potent anti-inflammatory and natural antiseptic that eliminates possible bacteria that are causing inflammation of the throat; Grapefruit: it is very rich in vitamin C and has a strong anti-inflammatory action that quickly reduces the discomfort caused by throat inflammation; Mint: helps to purify and soothe throat irritation and can be used in various types of sore throat.

Grapefruit should only be used if you are not taking medications prescribed by the doctor, as it can cancel out the effect of various medications.

See how to prepare these plants and other home remedies for sore throat.

Where to buy medicinal plants

Medicinal plants can be purchased at health food stores, some pharmacies, supermarkets and hypermarkets or at the home of people who grow them and sell them to the public.

Some precautions to be taken when buying medicinal plants are:

  • Conservation: confirm that it was protected from light and in a dry place, if they are well closed in glass jars or in properly closed sachets; Name: it is important to know the popular name of the plant, but whenever possible you should also know the scientific name; Validity: you should avoid buying medicinal herbs in large quantities, because they also have an expiration date.

Buying medicinal plants and herbs following these advices is essential to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

Main care when using medicinal plants

Although they are natural, care must be taken when using medicinal plants as some can cause serious adverse reactions and even interact with medications being used.

Thus, the ideal is to always use medicinal plants under the guidance of a herbalist or naturopath experienced in medicinal plants.

In addition, it is important to remember that medicinal herbs should not replace pharmacy drugs without the doctor's knowledge. Just as it is also important to inform the doctor about any herbal supplements or tea that you are using frequently.

Medicinal plants for the 7 most common health problems