Home Medicinal Plants Nopal: main benefits, properties and how to use

Nopal: main benefits, properties and how to use


Nopal, also known as tuna, chumbera or fig-tuna and whose scientific name is Opuntia ficus-indica, is a species of plant that is part of the cactus family, very common in very dry regions and widely used as food in some recipes of Mexican origin, for example.

Several studies have demonstrated the benefits of nopal for health, being considered a superfood, since it is rich in polyphenols, polysaccharides, flavonoids, vitamins, fibers, polyunsaturated fats and proteins, which guarantee nopal several antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypoglycemic properties.

The parts that can be consumed from the nopal are the leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers that can be found in different colors such as green, white, red, yellow and oranges, for example. In addition, it can also be used in the form of tea, jelly, essential oils that are found in beauty and cosmetics stores.

1. Control diabetes

Some studies indicate that consuming 500 g of nopal can help regulate blood sugar in diabetic people, because in its composition there are substances such as polysaccharides, soluble fibers, such as pectin, and other substances that help to lower blood sugar levels. and regulating the action of insulin.

2. Lower cholesterol

Nopal can act on bad cholesterol receptors, known as LDL, directly in the liver, helping to lower blood cholesterol. It is also rich in polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic, oleic and palmitic acid which help to lower LDL cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, called HDL, preventing the onset of heart problems.

3. Prevent cancer

Nopal contains antioxidant compounds such as phenols, flavonoids, vitamin C and vitamin E that protect the body's cells against damage caused by free radicals, decreasing oxidative stress. To prevent cancer it is recommended to eat between 200 to 250 g of nopal pulp.

4. Protect the cells of the nervous system

This type of cactus contains several substances such as niacin, for example, which is a substance that has a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on brain cells, thus decreasing the risk of developing dementias.

5. Facilitate weight loss

The nopal cactus is a low-calorie and high-fiber food, so it can be included in the diet to lose weight, in addition to increasing the feeling of satiety, reducing hunger.

6. Improve digestion

Nopal is rich in fiber and therefore helps to improve digestion, facilitating intestinal transit, reducing symptoms of constipation and diarrhea. In addition, it helps to prevent the development of gastric ulcers.

Nopal properties

Nopal fruit

Nopal has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antimicrobial, anticancer, hepatoprotective, antiproliferative, antiulcerogenic, diuretic and neuroprotective properties.

Nutritional information

The following table shows the nutritional information for each 100 g of nopal:

Components for every 100 g of nopal
Calories 25 calories
Proteins 1.1 g
Fats 0.4 g
Carbohydrates 16.6 g
Fibers 3.6 g
Vitamin C 18 mg
Vitamin A 2 mcg
Calcium 57 mg
Phosphor 32 mg
Iron 1.2 mg
Potassium 220 mg
Sodium 5 mg

How to use nopal

It is recommended to include nopal directly in the food, between 200 to 500 g, so that it is possible to verify the health benefits as mentioned above.

In the case of supplements, there is no well-defined dose for use, and in most of these products it is recommended to use at least one dose between 500 to 600 mg per day, however, more scientific studies are needed to prove whether these supplements really worked and what are the side effects.

Recipes with nopal

Nopal can be consumed in juices, salads, jellies and pancakes and this plant has small spines, which must be removed with a knife, carefully, before being consumed. Some recipes that can be prepared with nopal are:

1. Green juice

Nopal juice is rich in antioxidants and is also a diuretic, helping to reduce body swelling. Nopal can be used in conjunction with any other fruit or vegetable.


  • 3 chopped nopal leaves; 1 pineapple slice; 2 parsley leaves; 1/2 cucumber; 2 peeled oranges.

Method of preparation

All ingredients must be placed in a blender or food centrifuge. Then it is ready to drink.

2. nopal salad


  • 2 nopal leaves; 1 onion; 2 garlic cloves; 1 medium tomato; 2 coriander leaves; 1 diced avocado; salt and pepper to taste; diced fresh cheese; 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Method of preparation

Wash the nopal leaf and remove the thorns with a knife. Cut the nopal leaves into squares and then place them in a pot of water, along with the onion, garlic cloves and a pinch of salt. Allow to cook for approximately 20 minutes. Once cooked they should be placed in a glass container to cool.

Finally, it is recommended to chop the onion, tomato, cheese and diced avocado. Then, mix these ingredients with nopal in a pot, adding olive oil, salt and pepper to the end.

4. Nopal pancake


  • 1 nopal leaf; 1 cup of ground oats or almond flour; 2 cups of corn flour; 1 spinach leaf; salt to taste; 2 glasses of water.

Method of preparation

First, wash the nopal leaf and remove the thorns. Then, it is necessary to cut into pieces and put in a blender together with the spinach and water. Let it beat until it becomes a homogeneous mass.

In a separate container place the corn flour, salt and ground oats or almond flour. Then, put the mixture in the blender and stir until it creates a consistency in which you can catch it with your hands, making small balls, placing it in a frying pan or any other type of flat pan until cooking.

The filling can be made with white cheese, vegetables or chopped grilled chicken or in strips, for example.

Side effects

Some possible side effects are related to the use of nopal as a supplement and can be headache, nausea or diarrhea.


Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take nopal supplements, as the use of these products has not yet been scientifically proven. In diabetic people who are using drugs to lower blood sugar, the use of nopal should be done only with the guidance of a doctor, as its use can cause hypoglycemia.

Nopal: main benefits, properties and how to use