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Runny nose: main causes and how to treat


Runny nose, popularly known as a runny nose, is a symptom that arises in diseases in which there is inflammation of the nasal cavities and is characterized by a clear, yellow or mixed nasal discharge from the nose, which may be accompanied by sneezing and nasal obstruction.

When left untreated, runny nose can increase the likelihood of developing sinusitis, bronchitis or even pneumonia, for example. A great natural remedy for coryza is cashew juice, which is rich in vitamin C. Another very important home-made solution for coryza is nasal washing with saline, which allows airway clearance.

Main causes of coryza

1. Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis corresponds to inflammation of the mucosa that lines the nose, and is usually triggered by dust, pollen or climate change. The runny nose of allergic rhinitis is transparent and is usually accompanied by sneezing, itchy nose and nasal obstruction.

What to do: Allergic rhinitis can be controlled with the use of anti-allergic remedies, it is also important to avoid contact with the substances that cause the appearance of symptoms. If allergic rhinitis is frequent, it is recommended to go to the allergist to have more specific treatment in order to avoid allergy attacks and complications, such as otitis, sinusitis and sleep problems.

2. Viral infection

Respiratory infection by viruses also leads to the appearance of a transparent coryza, which can appear together with other flu and cold symptoms, such as headache, muscle pain, malaise and fever, for example.

What to do: In these cases, it is important to stay at rest, drink plenty of fluids and have a healthy and balanced diet, so that it is possible to eliminate the virus faster and accelerate the recovery of the body.

3. Bacterial infection

In the case of respiratory infection caused by bacteria, the runny nose is yellow-green and is usually indicative of bacterial rhinosinusitis, whose symptoms are cough, high fever, pain and heaviness in the head.

What to do: As with runny nose due to viral infection, it is recommended to rest, drink plenty of fluids and have a healthy diet to eliminate the bacteria more quickly and speed up recovery. In some cases, it may also be necessary to use antibiotics, which should be done as recommended by the doctor.

If the runny nose is constant, it is important to go to the allergist or general practitioner so that the cause is identified and treatment can be started. Know the causes of constant coryza.

How to treat coryza

The treatment of coryza is usually done with drugs that reduce inflammation and irritation of the nasal mucosa, relieving symptoms, and most often the use of drugs that fight the flu and allergy, such as antiallergics and antipyretics.

In addition, it is important to wash your hands well, avoid environments with crowded people and poor ventilation, and perform nasal cleaning periodically, to unblock the nasal passages and allow the coryza-causing agent to escape. Learn how to do the nasal wash properly.

Runny nose: main causes and how to treat