- 7 common causes of female infertility
- 1. Polycystic ovaries
- 2. Early menopause
- 3. Thyroid changes
- 4. Obstruction in the uterine tubes
- 5. Endometriosis
- 6. Infections in the reproductive system
- 7. Uterine polyps and septate or bicornuate uterus
In addition to old age, the main causes of infertility in women are mainly linked to defects in the structure of the uterus or ovaries, such as the septate uterus and endometriosis, and hormonal changes, such as excess testosterone in the body.
The treatment to get pregnant must be guided by the gynecologist and is carried out according to the cause of the problem, with the possibility of using anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, hormone injections or surgery.
7 common causes of female infertility
The 7 most common causes of infertility in women are:
1. Polycystic ovaries
The presence of polycystic ovaries makes menstruation irregular and the release of the egg during the fertile period does not occur, thus preventing pregnancy.
The treatment of this disease is done using drugs with hormones that stimulate ovulation, such as Clomiphene, correcting the problem and increasing the chances of the woman becoming pregnant naturally.
2. Early menopause
Early menopause happens when women under 40 are unable to produce eggs, which can be caused by genetic changes or chemotherapy treatments, for example.
Treatment for early menopause is also done through the use of hormone drugs to stimulate ovulation, in addition to the need for daily physical activity and a diet rich in fiber, soy, fruits and vegetables.
3. Thyroid changes
Changes in the thyroid cause a hormonal imbalance to occur in the body, interfering with the woman's menstrual cycle. Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be easily treated with drugs to regulate thyroid function and promote pregnancy.
4. Obstruction in the uterine tubes
The obstruction in the uterine tubes, called salpingitis, prevents pregnancy because it does not allow the egg and sperm to meet to form the embryo. It can reach one or both tubes, and its treatment can be done through surgery to unblock the affected tube or through the use of medications to stimulate ovulation.
5. Endometriosis
Endometriosis is characterized by abnormal growth of the endometrium, which is the inner wall of the uterus, and can reach the tubes, ovaries and other organs, such as the intestine.
Treatment is done through medicines like Zoladex, which control the progression of the disease, or through surgery to correct changes in the affected organs.
6. Infections in the reproductive system
Infections in the female reproductive system can be caused by fungi, viruses or bacteria that irritate the uterus, tubes and ovaries, causing changes that prevent the proper functioning of these organs.
Infections can be treated with medications to fight the causative microorganism, such as antibiotics and antifungal ointments, but in some cases the infection can cause more serious damage, requiring surgery to repair the affected organ.
7. Uterine polyps and septate or bicornuate uterus
Uterine polyps and the septate uterus, also called bicornuate uterus, are changes in the structure of this organ that prevent the embryo from implanting and developing properly, causing frequent abortions.
The treatment of these diseases is done through surgery to correct the structure of the uterus, allowing the woman to conceive naturally after about 8 weeks of the surgery.
However, when conventional treatments for infertility do not bring good results, artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization techniques can be used so that the couple can have children. These treatments are only available in SUS in some states of Brazil and are only offered to women over 40 years old.
In addition, it is important to remember that the cause of failed attempts to conceive may be related to problems in men, so see what are the main causes and treatments for infertility in men.