Home Symptoms Main complications of dengue

Main complications of dengue


Complications of dengue occur when the disease is not identified and treated in the early stages, or when the necessary care during the disease is not followed, such as rest and constant hydration. Some of the complications that can be caused by dengue are severe dehydration, liver, heart, neurological and / or respiratory problems, in addition to hemorrhagic dengue, which is a serious reaction to the dengue virus that leads to bleeding.

Dengue is a disease caused by the virus, known as dengue virus, which is transmitted to people through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as pain throughout the body, the appearance of red spots on the skin, extreme tiredness, nausea and high fever.

Some of the complications that can happen as a result of dengue are:

1. Hemorrhagic Dengue

Hemorrhagic dengue is a type of dengue that usually appears, most of the time, when you are infected more than 1 time by the virus, leading to changes in blood clotting. This disease causes bleeding especially in the eyes, gums, ears and nose, as well as the appearance of blood in the stools, red spots on the skin, vomiting and a weak and rapid pulse.

This type of dengue if not treated quickly can lead to death and its treatment must be done in the hospital so that hemorrhages and hydration of the body can be controlled. Learn how to identify hemorrhagic dengue.

2. Severe dehydration

Dehydration is one of the most common consequences of dengue and can be seen through some signs and symptoms such as extreme tiredness, thirst, weakness, headache, dry mouth and lips, chapped lips and dry skin, sunken eyes and deep and increased heart rate.

Dehydration can be treated and prevented through ingestion and homemade whey, fruit juices, teas and water while you are ill, but in the most severe cases it may be necessary to go to the hospital for the treatment of dehydration to be done with saline administered directly in vein.

Learn how to prepare homemade whey using only water, salt and sugar in the following video:

3. Liver problems

Dengue, when not properly treated, can cause hepatitis and / or acute liver failure, which are diseases that affect the liver, leading to changes in the functioning of the organ. In the most severe cases, these diseases can lead to irreversible liver damage, and a transplant may be necessary.

When liver problems are present, symptoms of vomiting, nausea, severe pain in the belly and abdomen, clear stools, dark urine or skin and yellow eyes are usually present.

4. Neurological problems

Some of the complications that arise when the dengue virus reaches the brain are encephalopathy, encephalitis and meningitis. In addition, dengue can also cause myelitis, an inflammation of the spinal cord, and Guillain-Barré syndrome, an inflammation that affects the nerves and results in muscle weakness and paralysis, which can be fatal. Understand more about Guillain-Barré Syndrome.

These complications can happen because the dengue virus can pass directly into the bloodstream, reaching the brain and the Central Nervous System, causing inflammation. In addition, the virus can also cause an overreaction of the immune system, causing it to produce antibodies against the virus that end up attacking the body itself.

When the dengue virus affects the Central Nervous System, there are specific symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, irritability, depression, seizures, amnesia, psychosis, lack of motor coordination, loss of strength on one side of the body, in the arms or legs, delirium or paralysis.

5. Heart and Respiratory Problems

Dengue can also lead to pleural effusion when it reaches the lungs, or to myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle.

When there are respiratory or cardiac problems, some of the symptoms that can be felt include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, cold blue-colored hands and feet, chest pain, dry cough, muscle pain or dizziness.

All of these problems must be treated at the hospital, as they are more serious complications that require adequate treatment and constant clinical monitoring. In addition, it is very important to always be aware of the symptoms presented, because when not properly treated dengue can progress to death.

Learn how to keep the mosquito that carries the dengue virus well away from your home:

Main complications of dengue