Home Symptoms Main symptoms of lack of b12, causes and treatment

Main symptoms of lack of b12, causes and treatment


Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin for the synthesis of DNA, RNA and myelin, as well as for the formation of red blood cells. This vitamin is normally stored in the body in greater quantities than the other B vitamins, however, some situations can cause its deficiency and generate symptoms such as palpitations, fatigue and tingling in the hands and feet.

The main causes of this vitamin deficiency are Crohn's disease, vegetarian diets without proper guidance or lack of intrinsic factor, a substance that allows the absorption of this vitamin.

Main symptoms

Vitamin B12 deficiency can be noticed in the cardiac and nervous systems, and the following symptoms can be noticed:

  1. Frequent fatigue and weakness; Pernicious anemia; Shortness of breath; Palpitations; Visual difficulty; Loss of sensation and tingling in the hands and feet; Lack of balance; Loss of memory and mental confusion; Possibility of dementia, which can be irreversible; Lack of appetite and weight loss for no apparent reason; mouth and tongue wounds often; irritability; recurring feelings of sadness.

In children, the deficiency of this vitamin can also cause difficulty in growth, delayed general development and megaloblastic anemia, for example. See all the functions that vitamin B12 plays in the body.

What can cause a lack of vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 can have several causes, the main ones being:

  • At the stomach level: Pernicious anemia can cause a decrease in the intrinsic factor, which is a substance necessary for the absorption of the vitamin at the stomach level. In addition, gastric acid facilitates the separation of vitamin B12 from the foods that contain it, so that atrophic gastritis and the use of some drugs that block or neutralize gastric acid and may interfere with the concentration of this vitamin; At the intestinal level: People with Crohn's disease where the ileum is affected or whose ileum has been removed do not absorb vitamin B12 efficiently. Other intestinal causes of B12 deficiency are the overgrowth of bacteria and parasites; Related to food: Animal foods are the only natural source of vitamin B12, with vitamin deficiency resulting from a diet poor in foods such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk. The people most at risk are the elderly, alcoholics, who do not eat properly and strict vegetarians.

In addition, the use of medications such as antibiotics, Metformin and medications for gastritis and gastric ulcers, such as Omeprazole, can decrease the absorption of B12 in the intestine, and it is recommended to talk to the doctor to assess the need to use vitamin supplements.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency varies according to its cause. In the case of pernicious anemia, for example, treatment is done with periodic intramuscular injections of this vitamin and others of the B complex.

When the cause is food and absorption is normal, the doctor or nutritionist may recommend oral supplementation or injection of vitamin B12, as well as increased consumption of foods rich in this vitamin.

In the case of vegetarians, it is important to include in the diet the consumption of foods enriched with this vitamin, such as soy milk, tofu and cereals, for example.

Excess of this vitamin is rare, as vitamin B12 can be easily eliminated in the urine. However, people who have polycythemia, allergy to cobalt or cobalamin, or who are in the post-operative period should not use vitamin B12 supplements without medical advice.

Main symptoms of lack of b12, causes and treatment