Home Symptoms 10 Main symptoms of lung cancer

10 Main symptoms of lung cancer


The symptoms of lung cancer are nonspecific and common to other respiratory diseases, such as pulmonary emphysema, bronchitis and pneumonia. Thus, lung cancer is characterized by:

  1. Persistent dry cough; Difficulty breathing; Shortness of breath; Decreased appetite; Weight loss; Hoarseness; Back pain; Chest pain; Blood in the phlegm; Extreme tiredness.

In the early stage of lung cancer there are usually no symptoms, they only appear when the disease is already in the advanced stage. Because the symptoms are not specific, the person usually does not go to the doctor if he is only coughing, for example, making the diagnosis late.

Lung cancer is a preventable disease, as it is mainly related to lifestyle. The greater the consumption of tobacco, the greater the chance of developing this type of cancer and the lower the quality of life.

Much of the symptoms may not even be related to actual cancer, but may be the result of some other disease that the person may have. In some cases, lung cancer may have no symptoms, however, patients who are smokers over 40, or who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and who have these symptoms should go to a pulmonologist.

Symptoms in the later stages

Usually, the first symptoms of lung cancer already appear in the more advanced stages. The most common symptoms at this stage of the disease are bloody phlegm, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness and lung infection. In addition, there may be manifestations and complications of lung cancer, such as the Pancoast tumor and metastasis, which present more specific symptoms of the disease.

1. Pancoast tumor

Pancoast tumor, a type of lung cancer located in the upper part of the right or left lung, has more specific symptoms, such as decreased pupil size of the eyes, pain in the arm and shoulder, reduced muscle strength and increased skin temperature in the chest, absence of sweat and drop of the eyelid.

2. Metastasis

Metastasis happens when cancer cells are transported to other parts of the body through the bloodstream or lymphatic vessels. Metastasis can happen in a few months and, depending on the place of occurrence, can cause different symptoms.

In lung metastasis there may be chest pain unrelated to breathing or pleural effusion. In brain metastasis there may be headache, nausea, vomiting and even neurological deficits. In the case of bone metastasis, bone pain and recurrent fractures may occur. When there is liver metastasis it is common to increase the size of the liver, slight weight loss and pain in the upper right side of the belly.

Who is most at risk for lung cancer

Smoking is the main risk factor for the onset of lung cancer, being related to more than 90% of cases. Some other factors can also influence the development process of this disease, such as air pollution, recurrent respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and genetic factors. Find out what are the main causes of lung cancer.

Treatment with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy can be used to cure lung cancer, or help improve the patient's quality of life.

10 Main symptoms of lung cancer