Home Pregnancy See how many months the baby starts to move

See how many months the baby starts to move


The pregnant woman usually feels the baby moving her belly for the first time between the 16th and 20th week of gestation, that is, at the end of the 4th month or during the 5th month of pregnancy. However, in the second pregnancy, it is normal for the mother to feel the baby move earlier, between the end of the 3rd month and the beginning of the 4th month of pregnancy.

The sensation of the baby stirring for the first time may be similar to air bubbles, butterflies flying, fish swimming, gas, hunger or snoring in the stomach, according to most "first-time mothers". From the 5th month, between the 16th and the 20th week of pregnancy, the pregnant woman begins to feel this sensation more often and is able to know for sure that the baby is moving.

Is it normal that you haven't felt the baby moving yet?

In the pregnancy of the first child, it is normal that the mother has not yet felt the baby move for the first time, as this is a different and totally new sensation, which is often confused with gas or cramps. Thus, the "first-time pregnant woman" can feel the baby moving for the first time only after the 5th month of pregnancy.

In addition, pregnant women who are overweight or have a lot of abdominal fat may also have a harder time feeling the baby moving for the first time during this period, that is, between the end of the 4th month and during the 5th month of pregnancy.

To reduce anxiety and check if the baby is developing normally, the pregnant woman should consult the obstetrician who is monitoring the pregnancy if she does not feel the baby moving after 22 weeks of gestation, that is, the 5th month of pregnancy. See how the baby is developing at 22 weeks.

What to do to feel the baby move

To feel the baby moving, a great tip is to lie on your back after dinner, without moving too much, paying attention to the baby, as most pregnant women report that it is more frequent to feel the baby at night. To be able to feel the baby it is important that the pregnant woman is relaxed while remaining in this position.

To increase the chances of feeling the baby moving, the pregnant woman can also raise her legs, keeping them higher than her hips.

Lie on your back after dinner, without moving

Raising your legs when lying down can help

Is it normal to stop feeling the baby moving?

It is possible for the pregnant woman to feel the baby moving less often in some days or more often in others, depending on her diet, her state of mind, her daily activity or the degree of tiredness.

Thus, it is important that the pregnant woman is attentive to the baby's rhythm of movement and if she sees a drastic decrease in its quantity, especially if it is a risky pregnancy, she should consult the obstetrician to check if the baby is developing correctly.

See how your baby is developing when you first start to feel him in the belly at: Baby Development - 16 weeks pregnant.

See how many months the baby starts to move