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When can I get pregnant again?


The time in which the woman can get pregnant again is different, as it depends on some factors, which can determine the risk of complications, such as uterine rupture, placenta previa, anemia, premature births or low birth weight baby, which can be at risk the life of mother and baby.

When can I get pregnant after curettage?

A woman can become pregnant from 6 months to 1 year after a curettage done because of an abortion. Which means that attempts to get pregnant must start after this period and before that, some contraceptive method must be used. This waiting time is necessary, because before this time the uterus will not be completely healed and the chances of an abortion would be greater.

When can I get pregnant after a miscarriage?

After a miscarriage in which it was necessary to perform a curettage, the time that the woman must wait to become pregnant again varies between 6 months to 1 year.

When can I get pregnant after cesarean?

After a cesarean, it is recommended to start attempts to get pregnant from 9 months to 1 year after the birth of the previous baby, so that there is a period of at least 2 years between deliveries. In the cesarean section, the uterus is cut, as well as other tissues that begin to heal on the day of delivery, but it takes more than 270 days for all these tissues to be truly healed.

When can I get pregnant after a normal birth?

The ideal interval for getting pregnant after normal birth is ideally 2 years, but being a little less is not very serious. However, after a C-section no less than 2 years between pregnancies.

The real and ideal time is not uniform and the opinion of the obstetrician is important, who must also consider the type of surgical incision made in the previous delivery, the woman's age and even the muscular quality of the uterus, in addition to the number of caesarean sections that the woman already did.

Period when the woman is most likely to become pregnant

The period when a woman is most likely to become pregnant is during her fertile period, which begins on the 14th day after the start of her last period.

Women who intend to become pregnant should not use the medicine Voltaren, which has diclofenac as an active ingredient. It is one of the warnings present in the package insert.

When can I get pregnant again?