Home Symptoms With how many days the points are removed

With how many days the points are removed


The stitches are surgical wires that are placed on an operative wound or on a bruise to join the edges of the skin and promote healing of the site.

The removal of these points must be performed by a health professional after the correct healing of the skin, which usually occurs between 7 to 10 days, and removal is not recommended before the 7th day.

On average, the days indicated for removing the stitches for each region of the body are:

  • Face and neck: 5 to 8 days; Wisdom removal: 7 days; Scalp, neck region, back of hand and foot and buttock region: 14 days; Trunk: 21 days; Shoulder and back: 28 days; Arms and thighs: 14 to 18 days; forearms and legs: 14 to 21 days; palm and soles: 10 to 21 days.

This period can vary depending on the depth and extent of the wound and also by characteristics of each patient such as age, obesity, diabetes, adequate nutrition or the use of medications such as chemotherapy, anti-inflammatory and corticosteroids.

How the points are removed

The stitches must be removed on the scheduled day of the return visit or the health center closest to the residence should be sought. The procedure is performed as follows:

  • The health professional uses aseptic technique with the use of gloves, serum, tweezers, scissors or blades to cut the wires; The stitches are removed in their entirety or alternately depending on the condition of the wound or bruise; The wire is cut below of the suture knot and the other end is pulled slowly to be completely removed from the skin.

If dehiscence occurs in the wound, which is a complication that results in the opening of the skin between the points, the procedure should be interrupted and an evaluation by the surgeon requested. But in cases where the skin is properly healed, all stitches will be removed and it is not necessary to put gauze on the wound.

After removing all the points, the wound can be cleaned normally during the bath with soap and water, it is necessary to keep the place hydrated and healing ointments can be used as directed by the doctor or nurse.

Here are the foods that speed up the healing process of a wound or bruise to include in your diet:

Does it hurt to remove the stitches?

The removal of the stitches can cause mild discomfort at the wound site, but it is a bearable sensation and does not require any type of local anesthesia.

What happens if you don't remove the stitches

Keeping the stitches beyond the indicated period for removal can disadvantage the local healing process, cause infections and leave scars.

But there are points that are absorbed by the body itself and that do not require removal in health services. Absorbable stitches can take up to 120 days to fully absorb depending on your material. The surgeon or dentist should advise if the stitch is absorbable or if it needs to be removed.

When to see a doctor

It is recommended to look for a health service before the day indicated to remove the stitches if you notice signs of infection in the wound, such as:

  • Redness; Swelling; Pain in the area; Exit of secretion with pus.

If a stitch falls apart before the period indicated for removal and there is an opening of the skin between the stitches, it is also necessary to seek medical attention.

With how many days the points are removed