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Find out how long breast milk can stay out of the fridge


In order to store breast milk correctly, it is important to know that milk must be stored in a specific container for this purpose, such as bags for breast milk or glass bottles resistant and BPA free, and be very careful when taking, store and use the milk to avoid contamination.

Before expressing the milk, note the date and time when the milk was removed and only after the extraction process begins. After expressing the milk, you must close the container and place it in a bowl with cold and ice cubes for about 2 minutes and then store it in the refrigerator, freezer or freezer. This care guarantees the quick cooling of the milk, avoiding its contamination.

How long does breast milk last

The storage time of breast milk varies according to the storage method, being also influenced by the hygiene conditions at the time of collection. In order for breast milk to be preserved for a longer time, it is important that the collection be made in weak or suitable bags, with hermetic closure and BPA-free material.

Thus, according to the location in which the storage is made, the time of conservation of breast milk is:

  1. Ambient temperature (between 16 and 25ºC): between 4 and 6 hours depending on the hygiene conditions in which the milk was removed. If the baby is premature, it is not recommended to store the milk at room temperature; Refrigerator (4ºC temperature): the milk storage time varies from 3 to 4 days depending on the hygiene conditions of milk collection. It is important that the milk is in the coldest region of the refrigerator and that it undergoes little temperature variation, as in the bottom of the refrigerator, for example.; Freezer or freezer (temperature of 18ºC): the breast milk conservation time can vary from 6 to 9 months when placed in a freezer region that does not suffer much temperature variation;

Some important recommendations are not to re-freeze breast milk that has been at room temperature for more than 30 minutes, or the leftover milk that can be left in the bottle. However, it is possible to re-freeze the milk if the container has not yet been used and if it has been in the refrigerator for less than 48 hours.

In addition, it is recommended that the milk bottle to be placed in the freezer is not completely filled, as during freezing the milk undergoes expansion. Another tip is to fill smaller bottles to avoid waste, since after thawing it is not recommended to freeze the milk again. Find out how breast milk is stored.

How to thaw breast milk

To defrost breast milk you need:

  • Remove the milk from the freezer or freezer a few hours before using and let it thaw slowly; Place the container in a bowl with warm water to stay at room temperature; To know the temperature of the milk, you can place a few drops of milk on the back of the hand. The temperature should not be too high so as not to burn the baby; Give the baby milk in a properly sterilized bottle and do not reuse the milk that may be left in the bottle because it has already come into contact with the baby's mouth and may be inappropriate for the baby. consumption.

Frozen milk should not be heated on the stove or in the microwave because it can get very hot, the ideal is to heat the milk in a water bath.

Find out how long breast milk can stay out of the fridge