Home Home-Remedies 4 Natural options to treat blisters on your feet

4 Natural options to treat blisters on your feet


An excellent home remedy for blisters on your feet is to make a foot scald with eucalyptus and then place a marigold compress over the blister for 30 minutes, until the blister heals.

However, other options, such as echinacea scalding or aloe vera gel, can also be used to relieve pain and speed recovery, as they have excellent properties that promote skin healing.

The blisters on the feet appear due to the friction between the skin and the shoe or the sock, or when walking barefoot, with the floor. With friction, the outermost layer of the skin detaches from the innermost layer and rises, leaving this space filled with liquid. The blister must not be burst, as the risk of infection is high. In addition, if the blister bursts on its own, it is important not to remove the peel because it protects the skin from becoming infected.

1. Foot scald with eucalyptus

The foot bath with eucalyptus is great for fighting bubbles caused by shoes because it has an antiseptic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory action, helping to relieve the inflammation of the bubble and prevent it from becoming infected.


  • 1 bucket of warm water, 4 drops of eucalyptus essential oil or eucalyptus leaves.

Method of preparation

Place the warm water in a basin to cover the feet, add the drops of essential oil and immerse the feet in the basin for about 20 minutes.

If scalding feet with leaves, add 2 to 3 handfuls of leaves to the water and wait 10 minutes before placing the feet.

2. Marigold compress

The marigold compress should be made after a foot bath and is great for relieving pain, because the marigold is analgesic, anti-inflammatory, soothing and healing, helping the swelling of the blister and accelerating its healing.


  • 1 handful of marigold leaves and flowers.

Method of preparation

Knead the leaves and flowers of the marigold in a compress or clean cloth and place over the blister for 30 minutes.

After applying the marigold compress, the blister should be covered with a bubble dressing, preferably, especially if you have to walk in shoes. Otherwise, one should prefer to wear flip-flops for the first few days, placing only a band-aid on the blister site.

3. Foot scald with echinacea

A good home remedy for blisters is to do the following scalding with echinacea tea, as it helps to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


  • 4 teaspoons of echinacea, 1 liter of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the boiling water in a bowl or bucket and then add the echinacea. When it is warm, you should dip your feet in the water for 20 minutes and, finally, dry your feet very well.

4. Aloe vera gel

Another great home remedy to heal blisters on your feet is aloe vera because it has properties that help you heal your skin faster.


  • 1 leaf of aloe vera.

Method of preparation

Cut the aloe leaf, remove its gel and apply the gel directly on the bubbles, with a gentle massage. Next, cover with a band-aid .

An important tip to help in the treatment of blisters is not to pop them, but if this happens accidentally, you should not remove the skin that formed the blister and you must be careful not to wear closed shoes until the skin is completely regenerated.

4 Natural options to treat blisters on your feet