Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for diarrhea

Home remedy for diarrhea


Taking a home remedy against diarrhea helps to hold the bowel, relieving this discomfort. However, diarrhea is a form of defense of the body, being an attempt to eliminate some microorganism from the digestive system and therefore fighting diarrhea can cause the harmful agent to remain in the body for a longer time, worsening the infection.

Therefore, the use of diarrhea remedies should only be done after the second day of liquid stools. During treatment against diarrhea it is advisable to eat foods that are easy to digest and rich in water, in addition to drinking plenty of water, juice or tea, for example. See also: What to eat in diarrhea.

Chamomile tea for diarrhea

A great natural solution for diarrhea is to take chamomile tea with guava leaves several times a day. Both chamomile and guava leaves have antispasmodic properties that decrease intestinal contractions helping to retain feces for longer.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a saucepan and simmer for about 15 minutes over low heat. Turn off the heat, cover the pan and let it warm, then strain and drink in small sips several times during the day.

Apple syrup for diarrhea

A good home remedy to stop diarrhea can be done at home using apple and grated carrot.


  • Add the onion and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Method of preparation

In a light saucepan to boil in a water bath all ingredients for approximately 30 minutes over low heat. Then let it cool and place it in a clean glass bottle with a lid. Take 2 tablespoons of this syrup a day for the duration of the diarrhea.

This syrup can be kept in the refrigerator for 1 month.

Guava leaf for diarrhea

Another great home remedy for diarrhea is guava leaf tea because it helps to hold the intestine.


  • We have a wide range of products to suit your needs, including:

Method of preparation

Place the water and guava leaves in a pan and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat, let it cool, strain and then add the powder from the roasted avocado core. Drink next.

For avocado kernel flour: place the avocado kernel on a tray and bake until completely dry. Then, beat it in a blender until it turns to powder and then store it in a tightly closed glass container, like an old mayonnaise jar, for example.

In addition, Tormentila is another medicinal plant that helps to stop diarrhea, learn how to prepare this tea in Tormentila to stop Diarrhea.

Diarrhea is characterized by more than three bowel movements a day with liquid consistency. When diarrhea is detected, it is important to seek medical help, especially in the presence of blood and mucus, especially when it comes to children, the elderly or the sick.

See other home treatments against diarrhea:

  • Homemade solution for diarrhea

Watch the following video to learn how to eat:

Home remedy for diarrhea