Home Home-Remedies Home remedy for bruising

Home remedy for bruising


Two great homemade options to eliminate bruises, which are the purple marks that can appear on the skin, are the aloe vera compress, or Aloe Vera, as it is also known, and the arnica ointment, as both have anti-inflammatory and healing properties, helping to eliminate the hematoma more easily.

In addition to these home remedy options, one of the ways to eliminate a hematoma is by passing ice in the region in gentle movements, as it also helps to eliminate the hematoma. Check out some tips to eliminate bruises.

Aloe vera compress

An excellent home remedy to remove a bruise is to apply an aloe vera pad on the spot, as aloe vera is able to nourish the skin, which makes the bruise disappear within a few days.

To make the compress, just cut 1 leaf of aloe vera and remove the gelatinous pulp from the inside, apply to the purplish region several times a day, making smooth and circular movements.

A good tip is to run a fine comb directly over the hematoma, for a few minutes, as this helps to spread the blood, facilitating its absorption by the body. See what the aloe is for.

Arnica ointment

Arnica is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing and cardiotonic action, helping to regenerate the skin and eliminate the hematoma with greater ease.

One of the ways to use arnica is in the form of an ointment, which should be applied to the region with hematoma. In addition to being found in pharmacies, arnica ointment can be made at home using beeswax, olive oil and arnica leaves and flowers. Learn how to make arnica ointment.

Home remedy for bruising