Home Home-Remedies How to end dandruff using home remedies

How to end dandruff using home remedies


Dandruff is an uncomfortable situation that causes the appearance of small white patches of dry skin all over the hair, which can cause symptoms such as itching or burning sensation on the scalp. However, there are some home remedies that can be made at home with vinegar or lemon, for example.

In addition to controlling dandruff, it is also important to purify the body, consuming kale juice or gorse tea daily because they have purifying properties that eliminate toxins from the blood, which naturally controls the oiliness of the hair root.

Also check out the 7 habits that make dandruff worse.

1. Vinegar and bananas

Vinegar, in addition to helping to remove dry skin tags, also has acidity that reduces itching and eliminates excess bacteria and fungi that may be causing the problem. In addition, when mixed with bananas it promotes greater hydration of the scalp.

  • How to do it: mix a mashed banana with 500 ml of apple cider vinegar, then apply it to your hair and massage it lightly for 5 minutes. Finally, let it stand for about 20 minutes and, at the end, wash your hair with cold water, rinsing well. This process can be done once a day, until dandruff is eliminated.

Here's another way to use vinegar to treat dandruff.

2. Lemon juice

Vitamin C and the anti-fungal properties of lemon fight dandruff and prevent overgrowth of fungi. In addition, due to its acidity, it reduces itching and balances the pH of the hair, also promoting its hydration.

  • How to do it: cut a lemon into 2 halves and squeeze out the juice. Dip a few cotton balls in the juice and then apply the juice to the hair root, using the cotton. Let stand for 10 minutes and then wash your hair with cold water.

3. Cabbage juice

An excellent strategy to control the oiliness of the scalp and, consequently, eliminate dandruff is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins by taking a cabbage juice, which is detox, daily.

  • How to do it: Beat in a blender 1 raw kale leaf with 1 apple and 1/2 glass of water. Then take the preparation, if it is necessary to sweeten, use stevia or honey.

4. Gorse tea

Another possibility is to drink carqueja tea, which can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets or health food stores. The gorse also helps to purify the blood, being useful to control oiliness and thus fight dandruff naturally.

  • How to do it: Boil 1 cup of water and add 1 tablespoon of dry gorse leaves or add 1 tea bag, allowing to stand for 3 minutes. Take it warm.

However, in addition to using these natural remedies it is also important to keep your head clean by washing your hair whenever it is dirty. The water temperature also influences and therefore it is better to wash your hair with cold water to reduce the flaking of the hair.

Other important precautions to combat dandruff are to avoid using conditioners at the root of the hair and always use a good anti-dandruff shampoo.

How to end dandruff using home remedies