Home Home-Remedies Home remedies to eliminate sputum

Home remedies to eliminate sputum


Honey syrup with watercress, mullein syrup and anise or honey syrup with honey are some home remedies for expectoration, which help in removing phlegm from the respiratory system.

When the phlegm shows some color or is very thick it can be a sign of allergy, sinusitis, pneumonia or some other infection in the respiratory tract, and therefore, when its production does not decrease after 1 week, it is recommended to consult the pulmonologist. Learn what each phlegm color means in Learn what each phlegm color means.

3 Recipes for Home Remedies to Eliminate Catarrh

Some home remedies for sputum, which help in eliminating phlegm are:

1. Honey Syrup with Watercress

A good home remedy to facilitate expectoration and help with phlegm elimination is homemade honey syrup, watercress and propolis, which should be prepared as follows:


  • 250 ml of pure watercress juice; 1 cup of honey bee tea; 20 drops of propolis extract.

Method of preparation:

  • Start by preparing 250 ml of watercress juice by passing the fresh watercress and washed in the centrifuge; After the juice is ready, add to the juice 1 cup of honey bee tea and boil the mixture until it is viscous, with the consistency of syrup; Allow the mixture to cool and add 5 drops of propolis.

It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of this remedy, 3 times a day, according to the symptoms experienced.

2. Mullein and Anise syrup

This syrup, in addition to facilitating expectoration, also helps to reduce coughing and inflammation of the throat, helping to lubricate and reduce irritation of the airways. To prepare this syrup you will need:


  • 4 teaspoons of mullein tincture; 4 teaspoons of tincture of alteia root; 1 tablespoon and anise tincture; 1 tablespoon of thyme tincture; 4 teaspoons of plantain tincture; 2 teaspoons of licorice tincture; 100 ml of honey.

The dyes to be used can be purchased at online stores or health food stores, or they can be prepared at home in a homemade and natural way. Learn how in How to Make Dye for Home Treatments.

Method of preparation:

  • Start by sterilizing a glass bottle with a lid; Add all the tinctures and honey and mix well with a sterile spoon.

It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of this syrup 3 times a day, and the syrup should be consumed up to a maximum of 4 months after its preparation.

3. Alteia syrup with honey

This syrup facilitates expectoration and has a diuretic action, also helping to lubricate and reduce respiratory tract irritation. To prepare this syrup you need:


  • 600 ml of boiling water; 3.5 teaspoons Alteia flowers; 450 m of honey.

Method of preparation:

  • Start by making tea using the boiling water and Alteia flowers. To do this, simply place the flowers in a teapot and add the boiling water. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes; After that time, strain the mixture and add the 450 ml of honey and bring to the heat. Leave the mixture on the fire for 10 to 15 minutes and after that time remove from the heat and let it cool.

It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of this syrup 3 times a day, according to the symptoms experienced.

These home remedies should not be taken by pregnant women or children without medical advice, especially those with dyes in their composition.

Home remedies to eliminate sputum