Home Symptoms Remedies for osteoporosis

Remedies for osteoporosis


Osteoporosis medications do not cure the disease, but they can help slow bone loss or maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures, which is very common in this disease.

In addition, there are also some remedies that help prevent osteoporosis because they work by increasing bone mass.

The remedies for osteoporosis must be indicated by the doctor according to the purpose of the treatment and are summarized in the following table:

Names of Remedies What are you doing Side effects
Alendronate, Etidronate, Ibandronate, Risedronate, Zoledronic acid Inhibit the loss of bone material, helping to maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fracture Nausea, irritation of the esophagus, trouble swallowing, stomach pain, diarrhea or constipation, and fever
Strontium ranelate Increases bone mass formation and decreases bone resorption Hypersensitivity reactions, muscle and bone pain, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, cardiac disorders, dermatitis and increased risk of clot formation
Raloxifene Promotes increased bone mineral density and helps prevent vertebral fractures Vasodilation, hot flushes, stone formation in the bile ducts, swelling of the hands, feet and legs and muscle spasms.
Tibolona Prevents bone loss after menopause Pelvic and abdomen pain, hypertrichosis, vaginal discharge and hemorrhage, genital itching, endometrial hypertrophy, breast tenderness, vaginal candidiasis, alteration of the cells in the cervix, vulvovaginitis and weight gain.

Stimulates bone formation and increased calcium reabsorption

Increased cholesterol, depression, neuropathic pain in the leg, feeling faint, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, muscle cramps, tiredness, chest pain, hypotension, heartburn, vomiting, herniation of the esophagus and anemia.
Calcitonin It regulates the level of calcium in the blood and is used to reverse bone loss and can help with bone formation.

Dizziness, headache, taste changes, sudden flushes of facial or neck flushing, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bone and joint pain and tiredness.

In addition to these remedies, hormone replacement therapy can also be used to treat osteoporosis, which in addition to being used to relieve menopausal symptoms, also helps to maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fracture. However, this treatment is not always recommended, as it slightly increases the risk of breast, endometrial, ovarian and stroke cancer.

The doctor may also recommend taking a calcium and vitamin D supplement. Learn more about Calcium and vitamin D supplement.

Home remedies for osteoporosis

Home remedies for osteoporosis can be made with medicinal plants with an estrogenic action, such as Red Clover, Calendula, Licorice, Sage or Hops and herbs rich in calcium, such as Nettle, Dandelion, Horsetail, Dill or Bodelha, for example. example.

Some examples of home remedies that can be easily prepared at home are:

1. Horsetail tea

Horsetail is a powerful bone remineralizer because it is rich in silicon and calcium.


  • 2 to 4 g of dried horsetail stalks, 200 mL of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Place the dried stems of horsetail in 200 mL of boiling water and let stand for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

2. Red Clover Tea

Red clover has a protective function of bones, in addition to containing phytoestrogens, which help to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.


  • 2 g of dried red clover flowers; 150 mL of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Pour 150 mL of boiling water into 2 g of dried flowers, allowing to stand for 10 minutes. Drink 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

These home remedies should be used under the guidance of the doctor. See other natural options for treating osteoporosis.

Homeopathic remedies for osteoporosis

Homeopathic remedies, such as Silica or Calcarea phosphorica, can be used to treat osteoporosis, however, their use should only be done under the guidance of the doctor or homeopath.

Learn more about treating osteoporosis.

Remedies for osteoporosis