Home Symptoms 5 Types of High Blood Pressure Remedies

5 Types of High Blood Pressure Remedies


It is important to take medication to lower the pressure, keeping it under control because high blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart disease, kidney problems, stroke and heart attack, for example. So whenever the pressure is equal to or above 14 by 9 (140 x 90 mmHg) take the remedies indicated by the cardiologist.

In most cases, the doctor initially indicates a decrease in salt consumption and exercise at least 3 times a week. But if the pressure is still high, he can prescribe blood pressure medications like Minoxidil or Captopril, which should be taken every day for breakfast.

In most cases, the cardiologist recommends the use of medication when the pressure remains above 140/90 even if you are on a low salt diet and exercise at least 3 times a week.

Main antihypertensive drugs

To control the pressure the doctor can recommend several medications, such as:

1 - Diuretics

These are remedies that act on the kidney and increase the elimination of water and salt in the urine, such as Furosemide, Hydrochlorothiazide, Indapamide or Spironolactone, for example. In addition, they increase the amount of urine and help to reduce swelling.

2 - Vasodilators

These remedies that relax the arteries and veins of the body, used in patients with hypertension difficult to control, and can be used together with another antihypertensive remedy. Examples of vasodilator remedies are Minoxidil and Hydralazine.

3 - Calcium channel blockers

This class of antihypertensive drugs dilates blood vessels such as Nifedipine, Amlodipine, Nicardipine or Verapamil, for example.

4 - Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

They are widely used in the treatment of high blood pressure, as they prevent the production of angiotensin, a hormone that increases pressure, such as Captopril, Enalapril, Ramipril or Lisinopril, for example. Some patients may experience dry cough with regular use of these medications.

Another class of drugs with effects similar to these, but without the effect of cough, are angiotensin receptor antagonists that reduce blood pressure by preventing the effects of the hormone angiotensin. Some names of remedies for high blood pressure in this class are Losartana, Valsartana, Candesartana, Telmisartana.

5 - Beta blockers

Beta blockers are part of a group of drugs that, in addition to helping control blood pressure, lower heart rate. These medications are generally prescribed for young patients and women, as their majority have slightly increased heart rates. They are: Propranolol, Atenolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol and Nebivolol.

Side effects

Side effects of high blood pressure medications include dizziness, fluid retention, changes in heart rate, headache, vomiting, nausea, sweating or impotence. When noticing any of these effects, the person should talk to the doctor to assess the possibility of decreasing the dose of the medication or even changing it for another.

High blood pressure medications do not make you fat, but some can cause swelling, and in these cases, the cardiologist may also recommend the use of diuretics.

Can I take several medicines to lower the pressure?

To keep the pressure under control, you can use several remedies at the same time, which can be from the same or different classes. However, its use should always be recommended by the doctor to avoid interaction between medications.

In the simplest cases, treatment is performed with the use of only one medication, especially when the values ​​do not exceed 160 / 90mmHg. However, in some cases when the pressure is higher it does not stabilize the doctor recommends using 2 or 3 combined remedies.

When to stop taking antihypertensive drugs

The use of drugs to control pressure in most cases is maintained throughout life, because hypertension is a chronic disease. However, in some special situations, such as having surgery, the cardiologist may stop using the medication for a few days.

Home remedies for high blood pressure

A great home remedy for high blood pressure is orange juice, as orange is rich in potassium which helps to lower blood pressure.

Another natural remedy for high blood pressure is lemon juice with garlic. To do this, simply remove all the juice of 3 lemons, grind 2 cloves of garlic, put the juice, the cloves of garlic and 1 glass of water in the blender, mix well, sweeten to taste and drink during the day, in between meals.

See more homemade recipes to lower the pressure in Home remedy for high blood pressure.

Remedies for high blood pressure in pregnancy

The remedies for high blood pressure in pregnancy, which can be prescribed by the cardiologist, are Methyldopa or Hydralazine, for example.

If the pregnant woman was already hypertensive before becoming pregnant, the cardiologist should replace the medication used previously, for medications released for use during pregnancy, which do not cause problems for the baby.

See other tips to help control the pressure in the video:

5 Types of High Blood Pressure Remedies