Home Symptoms Headache Remedies

Headache Remedies


Some examples of headache remedies, which can be easily purchased at pharmacies are Neosaldina, Dorflex, Advil, Tylenol, Aspirin and Naldecon. In case of very severe headache, which usually indicates migraine, the medicines Migraliv, Naramig or Cefalium, for example, can be used.

However, these remedies do not treat headaches, they only relieve them, so it is important to consult a doctor in case of frequent headaches to identify their cause and receive appropriate treatment.

The overuse of headache remedies, in addition to causing other health problems, mainly related to the liver and stomach, can worsen the headache and, over time, stop working, making the headache chronic and further reducing well-being and quality of life. Therefore, it is only recommended to take the remedies indicated by the doctor.

Home remedies for headache

Some great options for home remedies for headaches are:

  • Take 1 glass of orange juice with seeds daily, adding 5 drops of propolis extract because it has antioxidant action that help in fighting and preventing headache. Put a cold compress on the head, forehead or neck, letting it act for 5 to 15 minutes because the cold decreases the diameter of the blood vessels, decreasing the headache. Soak your feet in a bowl of warm water with coarse salt.

These home remedies can also be used by pregnant women. Other tips in: 5 steps to relieve headache without medication

Remedy for a hangover headache

An excellent remedy for headaches is to drink a cup of black coffee, very strong, without fasting sugar. However pharmacy remedies that can help are Engov and Alka-Seltzer. See what else you can do at: 6 tips to decrease hangover symptoms.

Remedy for headache in pregnancy

In the case of being pregnant, the best remedy for headache in pregnancy is Paracetamol, however, although it does not harm the baby, its use should only be done under the guidance of the obstetrician. During pregnancy, it is best to resort to natural and homemade options instead of medicines, because many of them pass on to the baby, which can hinder their development. See a great home remedy for headaches in pregnancy.

Watch the following video and see which natural pain relievers can help with headaches:

Headache Remedies