Home Bulls Sore throat remedies

Sore throat remedies


Some examples of medicines that can be indicated by the doctor for the treatment of sore throat are ibuprofen, nimesulide, acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac, ketoprofen, benzidamine hydrochloride and naproxen, for example.

These anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken after meals, to avoid stomach pain, because this type of medicine can irritate the stomach lining, especially in people who suffer from gastritis or who have greater gastric sensitivity.

1. Pharmacy anti-inflammatories

Some of the pharmacy anti-inflammatories that can be used to relieve throat pain and inflammation are ibuprofen, naproxen, acetylsalicylic acid, nimesulide or ketoprofen, which should only be used if they are prescribed by a doctor or advised by a healthcare professional.

In addition, there are also lozenges to suck, such as Strepcils or Benalet, for example, with anti-inflammatory in the composition, which can also relieve pain, in addition to some of them still having antiseptic properties.

In some cases, these remedies may not be enough to relieve symptoms. If the symptoms persist for more than 2 to 3 days, it is necessary to consult the doctor to treat the root cause of the problem. See what can be the causes of sore throat.

2. Natural anti-inflammatories

An excellent natural anti-inflammatory for sore throats is ginger tea with honey and ginger, as the tea has anti-inflammatory, calming and decongestant action, ginger is also anti-inflammatory and analgesic and honey helps lubricate the throat, decreasing discomfort.

To make this tea, just put 1 teaspoon of chopped leaves of alteia and 1 cm of ginger in 1 cup of boiling water and wait for about 2 minutes. After this time, remove the leaves and add 1 teaspoon of honey, allowing to warm and drink up to 3 cups of tea a day until the inflammation of the throat passes.

Watch the following video and see how to prepare other natural remedies that can complement the treatment indicated by the doctor:

3. Anti-inflammatory for children

An anti-inflammatory drug for children that is usually prescribed by a pediatrician to treat inflammation of the throat is Ibuprofen. The dose of this medicine should be adapted according to the child's weight and age.

Not all throat anti-inflammatories are for pediatric use, so if the child has a sore throat or a sore throat, you should consult your pediatrician to indicate the most appropriate anti-inflammatory medication and dose..

4. Medicines for pregnant women and nursing mothers

Anti-inflammatories are not advised during breastfeeding because they can cause complications in pregnancy and pass to the baby, through breast milk. Therefore, in these cases, one should consult the doctor before taking any anti-inflammatory for the throat.

Alternatively, a great natural option to relieve inflammation and sore throat in pregnant and lactating women is lemon and ginger tea. To make the tea, simply place 1 4 cm peel of 1 regular or lemon and 1 cm of ginger, in 1 cup of boiling water, and wait for about 3 minutes. After this time, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey, let it warm and drink up to 3 cups of tea a day.

Possible side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs

The main side effects of anti-inflammatory drugs include nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, stomach problems such as gastritis or ulcers, changes in the cells of the liver and kidneys, allergies and hives on the skin.

To reduce stomach pain caused by anti-inflammatories, it is recommended to take the medicine after lunch or dinner and, if the doctor recommends it, you can also take an inhibitor of acid production, about 15 minutes before breakfast., to protect the stomach.

Sore throat remedies