Home Symptoms What to take for urinary tract infection (medicines and home remedies)

What to take for urinary tract infection (medicines and home remedies)


Generally, the most used remedies to treat a urinary tract infection are antibiotics, which should always be prescribed by the doctor, such as nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin, trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin.

In addition, antibiotics can be supplemented with other medications that speed healing and help relieve symptoms, such as antiseptics, analgesics, antispasmodics and some herbal remedies.

Urinary tract infection is a problem that causes painful and burning symptoms when urinating, urinary urgency and an unpleasant smell, and is usually caused by bacteria from the intestine that reach the urinary system. This is a more common disease in women, especially due to the proximity between the urethra and the anus. Find out if you have a urinary tract infection by taking an online symptom test.

1. Antibiotics

Some of the most suitable antibiotics to treat a urinary tract infection, which can be indicated by the doctor, and purchased at the pharmacy, are:

  • Nitrofurantoin (Macrodantina), whose recommended dosage is 1 capsule of 100 mg, every 6 hours, for 7 to 10 days; Fosfomycin (Monuril), whose dosage is 1 sachet of 3 g in a single dose or every 24 hours, for 2 days, which should be taken, preferably on an empty stomach and bladder, preferably at night, before bedtime; Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim (Bactrim or Bactrim F), whose recommended dosage is 1 tablet of Bactrim F or 2 tablets of Bactrim, every 12 hours, at least 5 days or until the symptoms disappear; Fluoroquinolones, such as ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin, whose dosage depends on the quinolone that the doctor prescribes; Penicillin or derivatives, such as cephalosporins, such as cephalexin or ceftriaxone, whose dosage also varies according to the prescribed medication.

If it is a severe urinary tract infection, it may be necessary to carry out treatment at the hospital, with administration of antibiotics in the vein.

Generally, the symptoms of urinary tract infection disappear within a few days of treatment, however, it is important that the person takes the antibiotic for the time that has been determined by the doctor.

2. Antispasmodics and analgesics

Generally, urinary tract infection causes unpleasant symptoms such as pain and burning when urinating, frequent urge to urinate, abdominal pain or a feeling of heaviness in the bottom of the belly, so the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics such as flavoxate (Urispas), scopolamine (Buscopan and Tropinal) and hyoscyamine (Tropinal), which are remedies that relieve all these symptoms associated with the urinary tract.

In addition, although it has no antispasmodic action, phenazopyridine (Urovit or Pyridium) also relieves the pain and burning sensation of urinary infections, as it is an analgesic that acts on the urinary tract.

3. Antiseptics

Antiseptics such as methenamine and methylthionium chloride (Sepurin) can also help to relieve pain and burning when urinating, help to eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract and prevent recurrent infections.

4. Supplements

There is also a wide variety of supplements that have cranberry extract in its composition, known as cranberry, which may be associated with other components that act by preventing the adhesion of bacteria to the urinary tract and promoting the reconstitution of a balanced intestinal microflora, creating a adverse environment for the development of urinary infections, being therefore very useful as a complement to the treatment or to prevent recurrences.

Discover other benefits of cranberry capsules.

5. Immunotherapy

Uro-Vaxom is a vaccine for urinary infection, in the form of tablets, composed of components extracted from Escherichia coli , which acts by stimulating the body's natural defenses, being used to prevent recurrent infections of the urinary tract or as an adjunct in the treatment of acute infections urinary tract.

Learn how to use this medicine.

Home remedies for urinary tract infection

A homemade solution to relieve the symptoms of urinary tract infection is to take a cranberry juice, bearberry syrup or a tea stick of gold, for example. Learn how to prepare these natural remedies.

In addition, diuretic foods such as onion, parsley, watermelon, asparagus, soursop, cucumber, orange or carrot, are also a great addition to the treatment of infection, as they help to eliminate urine, contributing to the elimination of bacteria. See other natural tips in the following video:

Remedies for special situations

If urinary tract infection occurs in children or pregnant women, the medications and dosage may be different.

Infant urinary tract infection

In children, treatment is often done using the same type of antibiotics, but in the form of syrup. Thus, treatment should always be indicated by the pediatrician, and the recommended dose varies according to the child's age, weight, symptoms presented, severity of the infection and the microorganism responsible for causing the infection.

Urinary tract infection in pregnancy

Medicines for urinary tract infection in pregnancy should be prescribed by the obstetrician, and should be used with great caution, so as not to harm the baby. The antibiotics for urinary tract infection that are considered the safest to take during pregnancy are cephalosporins and ampicillin.

How to prevent recurrent urinary infections

There are women who suffer from urinary tract infections several times a year and, in these cases, the doctor may recommend taking preventive treatment to prevent relapses by taking a low dose of antibiotics daily, such as Bactrim, Macrodantine or fluoroquinolones, for about 6 months or taking a single dose of antibiotic after intimate contact, if the infections are related to sexual activity.

In addition, to prevent recurrent urinary infections, the person can also take natural remedies for a long period of time or immunotherapeutic agents.

In addition to natural remedies and options, during treatment for urinary tract infection, it is recommended not to take any other medication without the doctor's knowledge and to drink about 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day, which helps to eliminate bacteria from the body.

What to take for urinary tract infection (medicines and home remedies)