Home Symptoms Food for rheumatism in the bones

Food for rheumatism in the bones


The diet for rheumatism in the bones should be composed of foods that help to reduce inflammation in the body, such as flaxseed, chestnuts and salmon, in addition to foods rich in vitamin D and calcium, such as milk and cheese, to help strengthen the bones.

Bone rheumatism refers to a group of rheumatological diseases that can directly affect bones such as arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis, which are the most common.

What to eat

To help fight inflammation and the pain of rheumatism, and strengthen bones, you should consume:

  • Good fats, such as omega-3: flaxseed, chia, chestnuts, salmon, sardines, tuna, extra virgin olive oil, avocado; Fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in vitamins and antioxidant compounds, which reduce inflammation; Vitamin D: milk, eggs, meat and fish, as this vitamin increases the absorption and fixation of calcium in the bones; Calcium: milk and dairy products, and dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale; Fibers: oats, whole-grain flours, fruits and vegetables, as they help maintain healthy intestinal flora, reducing inflammation in the intestine and improving the absorption of nutrients.

In addition to food, the doctor or nutritionist can prescribe the use of vitamin D and omega-3 supplements, which should be used according to the professional's prescription. Discover all the benefits of omega-3.

What not to eat

To improve rheumatism and the pain caused by diseases, it is important to maintain an adequate weight, avoiding excess body fat, and to avoid foods that worsen the functioning of the body and favor weight gain and inflammation, such as:

  • White flour, which is present in foods such as breads, cakes, snacks, pizzas, cookies; Sugar: sweets, desserts, jellies, cookies, yoghurts with added sugar; Sugary drinks: soft drinks, processed juices, teas, coffees and homemade juices with added sugar; Inlaid: ham, turkey breast, bologna, sausage, sausage, salami; Fried foods: coxinha, pastel, soy oil, corn oil; Alcoholic beverages.

In addition, to improve the functioning of the body in general and control weight, it is important to avoid consuming processed foods such as crackers, frozen ready-made food, cake dough, industrial sauces, diced spices and fast food.

Bone Rheumatism Menu

The following table shows an example of a 3-day menu for rheumatism in the bones:

Meal Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Breakfast 1 cup of unsweetened coffee + 2 slices of brown bread with fried egg and cheese with olive oil 1 glass of milk + 1 crepe cheese 1 cup of coffee with milk + 1 baked banana + 2 scrambled eggs
Morning snack 2 slices of papaya with 1/2 col of flaxseed soup 1 pear + 10 cashew nuts 1 glass of green juice with cabbage, coconut water, 1/2 carrot and 1 lemon
Lunch dinner 4 col of brown rice soup + 2 col of beans + grilled pork loin + vegetables sautéed in olive oil spaghetti bolognese with olive oil + green salad chicken soup with vegetables + 1 orange
Afternoon snack 1 cup of coffee with milk + 1 tapioca with grated coconut 1 whole natural yogurt + 3 prunes + 1 col of chia tea avocado smoothie with 1 col of honey bee soup

In addition to food care, rheumatism in the bones must be treated with the intake of painkillers, anti-inflammatories and physical therapy. Physiotherapy is a great ally in the treatment of this disease, as it helps to decrease inflammation and improve physical capacity. See which are the best remedies for rheumatism.

Food for rheumatism in the bones