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Teenage pregnancy: main risks and how to avoid


Teenage pregnancy represents a risk for both mother and baby, since the teenager is not fully prepared physically and psychologically for a pregnancy. Thus, all pregnancies in girls between 10 and 18 years of age are considered at risk, as there is a greater chance that the baby will be born with low weight, premature or the woman will suffer spontaneous abortion.

It is important that the family, the school and the gynecologist guide the girl as soon as she starts to have an active sex life, as this way it is possible to avoid unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Risks of teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is always considered a risky pregnancy, as the teenager is not always physically prepared for pregnancy, which can represent risk for both the girl and the baby. The main risks of teenage pregnancy are:

  • Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia; Premature birth; Underweight or malnourished baby; Complications in childbirth, which can lead to a cesarean section; Urinary or vaginal infection; Spontaneous abortion; Changes in the baby's development; Fetal malformation; Anemia.

In addition, teenage pregnancy increases the risk of death of the pregnant woman, in addition to the risk of postpartum depression and rejection of the baby.

In addition to age, the adolescent's weight can also mean a risk, since a teenager who weighs less than 45 kilos is more likely to generate a small baby for gestational age.

Obesity also poses a risk, as it increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure during pregnancy. If the height of the teenager is less than 1.60 cm, there is a greater probability of having a small hip, which increases the chances of premature labor and giving birth to a very small baby due to intrauterine growth retardation. Find out what the consequences of teenage pregnancy are.

How to avoid teenage pregnancy

To avoid unwanted pregnancies, it is important that teenagers use condoms in all intimate contact, preventing not only pregnancy but also the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

In the case of girls, it is important to go to the gynecologist when the sexual life starts to be active, because then the doctor can indicate which is the best contraceptive method, in addition to condoms, to be used. Know the main contraceptive methods.

Teenage pregnancy: main risks and how to avoid