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Syphilis, also called hard cancer or Lues, is a disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum that, in most cases, is transmitted through intimate contact without using a condom. The first symptoms are painless sores on the penis, anus or vulva that, if left untreated, disappear spontaneously and return after weeks, months to years in their secondary or tertiary forms, which are more serious.

When this infection arises during pregnancy, it can infect the fetus, which contracts congenital syphilis, a worrying situation that can become serious and cause malformation, miscarriage or even death of the baby.

Syphilis is curable and its treatment is done through penicillin injections, guided by the doctor according to the stage of the disease in which the patient is. See when the cure can happen and how to prove it.

Ulcer caused by the infection of the bacterium Treponema pallidum

Main symptoms

Syphilis can present itself through various symptoms, which are generally in accordance with the stage in which the disease is:

1. Primary syphilis

Primary syphilis is the first stage of the disease, which appears about 3 weeks after infection. The main symptom of syphilis at this stage is the onset of hard cancer, characterized by a small pinkish lump that develops into a reddish ulcer, with hardened edges and a smooth bottom, covered by a transparent secretion.

This ulcer is painless and usually appears at the site of the infection, usually in the genitals, but it can also appear in the anal area, mouth, tongue, breasts or fingers.

2. Secondary syphilis

The symptoms of secondary syphilis appear about 6 to 8 weeks after the lesions caused by primary syphilis disappear. At this stage, symptoms that affect the whole body are common, such as inflamed tongue, headache, malaise, fever, loss of appetite and muscle and joint pain, for example.

This phase usually persists during the first and second year of the disease, with new outbreaks that regress spontaneously, interspersed with intervals without symptoms that tend to be increasingly lasting.

3. Tertiary syphilis

After secondary syphilis, if treatment is not done, some people go on to the third stage of the disease, which is characterized by larger lesions on the skin, mouth and nose that are hardened and infiltrative, in addition to serious heart problems, in the nervous system, bones, muscles and liver. Some of the most serious symptoms are:

  • Psychiatric diseases such as dementia, progressive general paralysis or personality changes; Neurological changes, such as exaggerated nervous reflexes or pupils not responsive to light; Heart failure or aneurysm and regurgitation of the aorta, the body's main blood vessel.

These symptoms can appear between 10 and 30 years after the initial infection and when the disease is not treated. Check out more details of syphilis symptoms and photos of each stage.

How to confirm

There are several methods of diagnosing syphilis, some of which are simpler, in which it is necessary to observe and scrape the wounds to assess the presence of the bacterium, useful in the early stages of primary or secondary syphilis, a period in which the bacteria are in great amount.

Blood tests that assess the presence of antibodies against the bacteria, such as VDRL or FTA-ABS, can be done 2 to 3 weeks after the infection, which is very useful for investigating suspicions in people who do not have active lesions.

The collection of cerebrospinal fluid, present in the spinal cord, may be necessary to identify infection in the nervous system, in cases of suspected tertiary syphilis.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for syphilis is done with the use of antibiotics such as Penicillin, and the dose and duration depending on the severity and time of contamination of the disease. The same treatment with penicillin injections is done for pregnant women in order to avoid contagion of the baby with syphilis.

During the first year of treatment the patient must have blood tests every 3 months to identify the effectiveness of the treatment, and in the second year the tests are done every 6 months. Understand more details about the medication options and doses used to treat syphilis.

What is Congenital Syphilis

Congenital syphilis occurs when the pregnant woman has syphilis and transmits the disease to the baby through the placenta. In this case, the baby may develop changes in bones, eyes, ears or teeth, enlarged liver and spleen, skin sores, anemia, jaundice, runny nose with reddish secretions, mouth sores, water or difficulty gaining weight. It is also possible that the baby will be born dead or that this may happen in childhood, due to lung problems.

The diagnosis of congenital syphilis can be confirmed by observing the bacterium Treponema pallidum in the lesions, body fluids or tissues of the baby, or by measuring antibodies in blood samples from the baby or umbilical cord. Treatment is indicated whenever the infection is suspected, either due to changes in the examination, physical symptoms or because the mother did not perform the correct treatment during pregnancy, and consists of the injection of Penicillin into the muscle or vein, in amounts that vary according to with each case. Understand how treatment for congenital syphilis is done.

How to get syphilis

The main form of transmission or contagion of syphilis is through intimate intercourse without using a condom. The risk of contamination is even greater when there are lesions or wounds in the vagina or penis, as it facilitates the passage of the bacteria into the blood.

If there are lesions in the mouth or on the skin, syphilis can also be transmitted by kissing or touching the lesions. In pregnancy, women with untreated syphilis can pass the disease on to the fetus and, in rarer cases, this disease can also be transmitted through contaminated objects, tattoo needles and blood transfusions.

In addition, it is important to remember that, since syphilis is transmitted by intimate contact, it is possible for the person to become infected and present symptoms of other types of STDs. Find out what they are and how to identify the main STDs.

How to prevent

Prevention of syphilis is done with the use of condoms in all intimate contacts and by decreasing the number of partners. During treatment, it is recommended not to have intercourse.

In addition, pregnant women should be tested for syphilis during prenatal care, and correctly followed medical treatment so that they do not pass the disease on to the baby. Learn more tips on how to get syphilis and how to protect yourself.

Check out more information about syphilis in the video below:

All about syphilis