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Beauty Chip


The hormonal implant is a small device that can be placed under the skin in order to act as a contraceptive, being also useful to combat the symptoms of PMS, fight cellulite, increase muscle mass and promote weight loss, and that is why it is also known popularly as Chip of Beauty.

However, hormone chips should only be used when the body needs them and not just for aesthetic purposes because these apparently beneficial effects bring health risks such as an increased risk of diabetes. In addition, when it has testosterone, the increase of this hormone in the female body has long-term effects such as ease of weight gain and difficulty in losing weight.

Usually the beauty chip is made with 6 hormones combined: elcometrine, nomegestrol, gestrinone, estradiol, testosterone and progesterone; 3 that work as contraceptives and 3 more for hormone replacement.

Hormonal implantation - Chip da Beleza

Side effects of the beauty chip

The hormone chip should only be implanted when there is a need to replace some hormone, as in the case of women who suffer from a very intense PMS, as well as menopause or andropause because in these cases the benefits of its use outweigh the risks.

Side effects of the hormonal implant include bleeding outside the menstrual period, acne, pain in the breasts, head and at the implant site, decreased libido, dizziness and nausea and cysts in the ovaries in some women.

Using a hormone chip only for aesthetic purposes, without its contraceptive effect, can cause insulin resistance, a tendency to gain weight and difficulty losing weight, especially after 1 year of using this type of implant.

When is indicated

The hormone chip can be used as a contraceptive method in women of childbearing age during menopause and can even be used for men who suffer from a drop in testosterone during andropause. It can also be useful for regulating female hormones when a woman suffers from PMS, excessive swelling, nausea, migraine and cellulite.

In addition, when it is possible to prove the syndrome of estrogen predominance, which favors weight gain, its use may be a good option to keep the weight under control. However, the hormonal implant should not be used only for aesthetic purposes, when the need for hormone replacement cannot be proven.

See an example of a contraceptive implant.

How the beauty chip works

The hormonal implant is made of silicone, measures about 3 cm, and is similar to a toothpick. It is inserted under the skin of the abdomen or gluteus, for example, after local anesthesia. This implant has a combination of hormones specifically created for each woman and releases the same amount of hormones every day in the female body. With this hormonal stability, women feel better, less bloated, with less cellulite and with greater ease of gaining muscle mass, as long as they diet and exercise.

The implant must be created specifically for each woman, and so the doctor must assess your health and observe if you smoke, consume alcoholic beverages, if you use drugs, even if it is marijuana, if you have too much or too little cellulite and your tendency to put on weight because these factors will determine which hormones will be used and how many.


The price of the beauty chip varies between 3 and 8 thousand reais and can be placed in the doctor's office, in a simple procedure, without the need for surgery. The implant can last from 6 months to 1 year, until it is completely absorbed by the body. During this durability period, the doctor can order tests every 3 months to check the amount of hormone present in the body, so that the dose can be adjusted when a new implant is needed.

Beauty Chip