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How to avoid having boils


Boils are infections of the hair root that cause accumulation of pus under the skin, causing symptoms such as severe pain on touch, redness and swelling. Although most people have boils 2 or 3 times in their lives, there are some cases where boils appear constantly.

Because it is an infection, boils are more frequent in people with health problems, especially when the immune system is affected, as in the case of diabetes, HIV infection or cancer, for example. However, skin problems, such as eczema or psoriasis, can also increase the risk of having a boil.

So, to avoid the boil it is very important to reduce the number of bacteria on the skin and try to strengthen the immune system. Some tips include:

1. Wash your hands frequently

The hands are one of the places on the body that can most often become full of bacteria, as they touch various contaminated objects during the day. In addition, the hands come into contact with many other regions of the skin, which makes it easier to contaminate small cuts, leading to bacteria reaching the hair and causing boils.

2. Keep wounds covered

The wounds work as doors in the skin that allow many bacteria to enter the body. So, when you have a wound, in addition to having the appropriate treatment, it is very important to make a dressing, at least while the wound is open and has not developed a scab. Here's how to heal a wound.

3. Keep your skin clean and dry

Another easy way to keep your skin free of bacteria is to bathe at least once a day. However, one should avoid using very hot water, as it dries out the skin, and one should also avoid using antimicrobial soaps, since, in addition to bad bacteria, they also eliminate bacteria that help maintain the skin's balance.

In addition, keeping your skin always dry is also very important, since moisture, along with body heat, can facilitate the growth of bacteria. One of the main culprits for skin moisture is sweat and, therefore, a good tip is to always wear comfortable clothes and cotton, as it allows the skin to breathe better.

4. Decrease sugar consumption

Foods with a lot of sugar, such as treats, ice cream or industrialized products in general, provide an optimal environment for the development of bacteria, since these microorganisms need sugar to grow.

Thus, reducing sugar intake lowers blood sugar levels and, consequently, prevents the development of bacteria on the skin and reduces the risk of boils. See 3 simple steps to reduce sugar in your diet.

5. Consuming foods with vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for keeping the immune system functioning properly, eliminating excess bacteria and preventing the appearance of boils. As a natural technique, the consumption of vitamin C to increase the immune system can even be used by people with autoimmune diseases.

So, consuming more orange, tangerine, strawberries or kiwi can help prevent boils from appearing so often. Check out other tips to improve your immune system.

How to avoid having boils