Home Pregnancy Labor induction

Labor induction


Childbirth can be induced by doctors when labor does not start alone or when there are situations that can endanger the life of the woman or the baby.

This type of procedure can be performed after 22 weeks of gestation, but there are homemade methods that can facilitate the process of beginning labor, such as sexual relations, acupuncture and homeopathy, for example.

Although there are several indications for inducing labor, all of them should be investigated by the doctor, thoroughly because sometimes, it is safer to opt for a cesarean section instead of trying to stimulate the beginning of normal labor with any method. See how cesarean is made.

When it may be necessary to induce labor

Induction of labor must be indicated by the obstetrician, and can be indicated in the following cases:

  • When pregnancy passes 41 weeks without spontaneous contractions onset; Rupture of amniotic fluid without contractions onset in 24 hours; When the woman is diabetic or has other diseases such as kidney or lung disease; When the baby has any illness -formation or not grown enough; in case of decreased amniotic fluid;

In addition, the appearance of diseases such as liver fat or gestational cholestasis poses risks to the baby, and it is also necessary to induce labor in these cases. See more here.

When it can be dangerous to induce labor

Labor induction is not indicated and therefore should not be performed when:

  • The baby is suffering or dead; After more than 2 cesarean sections due to the presence of scarring in the uterus; When there is prolapse of the umbilical cord; When the woman is pregnant with twins or more babies; When the baby is sitting or has not turned upside down; In case of active genital herpes; In case of placenta previa; When the baby's heartbeat is slowed; When the baby is very large, weighing more than 4kg.

However, the doctor is the one who must make the decision whether to choose to induce labor or not, taking into account several factors that assess the risk and benefit of induction.

Methods for inducing labor in the hospital

Inducing labor in the hospital can be done in 3 different ways:

  • Use of medications such as Misoprostol, known commercially as Cytotec or another medication called Oxytocin; Detachment of membranes during a touch examination; Placement of a special probe in the vagina and uterine region.

These three forms are capable of being effective, but they should only be performed in the hospital, where the woman and the baby can be well accompanied by a team of doctors and equipment that may be necessary, in case there is a need for some procedure to save the mother's life or of the baby.

After the labor induction process begins, uterine contractions should start in about 30 minutes. Usually the induced birth hurts more than the birth that starts spontaneously, but this can be solved with epidural anesthesia.

Whoever wants a natural birth without epidural anesthesia can control the pain of childbirth through correct breathing and the positions they can adopt during childbirth. Learn how to ease the pain of labor.

What to do to start labor

Other ways to facilitate the onset of labor that can be performed before arriving at the hospital, after 38 weeks of gestation, and with the knowledge of the obstetrician, are:

  • Take homeopathic remedies such as Caulophyllum ; Acupuncture sessions using electroacupuncture; Take raspberry leaf tea, see the properties and how to prepare this tea by clicking here. Breast stimulation, which can be done when the woman who already has another one son and he suckles again; practice exercises, such as daily walks, with enough speed to be breathless.

The increase in sexual intercourse in the final stage of pregnancy also favors uterine contractions and labor and therefore women who wish to have a normal delivery can also invest in this strategy.

Labor induction