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How is salmonella contamination and prevention


Salmonellosis is a food poisoning caused by a bacterium called Salmonella . The most common form of transmission of this disease to man is through eating contaminated food, and poor hygiene habits.

Salmonella is a bacterium that acts on the intestines, where it multiplies and can enter the bloodstream and reach other organs thus increasing the severity of the infection. However, in most cases, no specific treatment is necessary, controlling only the symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, for example.

Symptoms of Salmonellosis

Symptoms of salmonellosis appear between 8 and 48 hours after consumption of the contaminated food or contact with the infected animal, resulting in gastrointestinal discomfort and other symptoms, such as:

  • Belly pain; Diarrhea; There may be fever; Chills; Headache; Malaise; Nausea and vomiting; There may be blood in the stool.

The most serious infections happen more easily in elderly people and children, due to the sensitivity of the immune system and, therefore, there is a greater risk of presenting symptoms related to dehydration. Here's how to recognize Salmonella infection .

How contamination happens

Salmonellosis is a disease caused by the Salmonella bacteria, which can be found in animals, such as chickens, pigs, reptiles, amphibians, cows and domestic animals, such as dogs and cats, for example. Thus, any food that comes from these animals or that has come into contact with their feces can be considered as a transmission route for salmonellosis.

Thus, contamination by Salmonella can happen when drinking contaminated water or food, such as vegetables, eggs, fruits, unpasteurized milk and meat. Contamination with meat and eggs occurs when these foods are eaten raw or rare.

The diagnosis of this disease is made through the analysis of feces and, after confirming the diagnosis, the doctor can indicate the most appropriate treatment, and the use of antibiotics, antiemetics and fluid replacement may be indicated to prevent dehydration.

Treatment of Salmonellosis

In some cases, salmonellosis can cause great dehydration, requiring the replacement of fluids through serum. There is usually no need for specific treatment, only in cases where the bacteria reaches the bloodstream, causing more severe symptoms, and the use of antibiotics is recommended.

The duration of treatment depends on the organs affected by the age and health condition of the patients, in addition to the occurrence of other symptoms, such as joint pain, difficulty urinating, inflammation in the eyes and arthritis.

See how to prepare homemade serum in this video:

This homemade serum should be taken as a substitute for water, and always after an episode of vomiting or diarrhea to replace fluids and minerals.

How to prevent

Salmonellosis can be prevented through the correct handling and preparation of food. To avoid contamination, it is recommended to only eat well-done meat, wash your hands before handling and consuming food and avoid eating salads and unpeeled fruits in snack bars and restaurants, as the hygiene habits of these places are not known.

When washing fruits and vegetables properly, Salmonella is eliminated with no chance of contamination. See how to wash vegetables in order to eliminate this bacteria.

How is salmonella contamination and prevention