Home Pregnancy Bleeding in pregnancy: causes and what to do in each trimester

Bleeding in pregnancy: causes and what to do in each trimester


Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy is a very common problem and does not always indicate serious problems, but it is important that it is evaluated by the doctor as soon as the woman notices its presence, since it is also possible that it indicates a serious situation.

Slight losses of dark pink, red or brownish-colored blood may be normal and result from changes that occur in the woman's body. However, they can also indicate worrying situations, such as a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy, which is pregnancy outside the womb, for example, especially if they become abundant and bright red.

Thus, some situations that can lead to bleeding during pregnancy are:

  • Exhaust bleeding or spotting; Ectopic pregnancy; Ovular detachment; Placenta detachment; Placenta previa; Spontaneous abortion; Uterine infection.

As there are several causes, making it difficult to differentiate between the causes of bleeding, it is very important to seek the assistance of the obstetrician as soon as possible, so that the necessary assessments and treatments are carried out as soon as possible.

In addition, the possible causes of bleeding may vary according to the period of pregnancy, which may be:

1. In the first quarter

Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy is common in the first 15 days after conception and, in this case, the bleeding is pink, lasts for about 2 days and causes cramps like menstruation.

This may be the first symptom that indicates pregnancy in some women, it is important to confirm by taking the pregnancy test.

  • What it can be: although this bleeding may be normal during this period, if it is intense, bright red or accompanied by nausea and cramps, it may indicate a spontaneous abortion or an ectopic pregnancy, which is pregnancy outside the womb. What to do: It is important to contact the obstetrician immediately or go to the emergency room to assess the possible causes.

During the first 3 months of pregnancy the woman may also have a dark colored discharge, like coffee grounds, but which, as it is not related to the menstrual cycle, can appear on any day. In this case, because it may be an ovular detachment that can lead to miscarriage. See more details at: Ovular detachment.

2. In the second quarter

The second trimester of pregnancy includes the period of time between the 4th and 6th month of pregnancy, which begins at the 13th week and ends at the 24th week of pregnancy.

  • What it can be: After 3 months, bleeding in pregnancy is uncommon and can indicate placental detachment, spontaneous abortion, low insertion placenta, cervical infection or an injury to the uterus caused by intimate contact. What to do: It is recommended that the pregnant woman go to the obstetrician or emergency room as soon as possible.

Worrying bleeds are usually accompanied by other warning signs, such as abdominal pain, fever or decreased fetal movements, for example. Learn more about how to identify 10 warning signs in pregnancy.

3. In the third quarter

When bleeding occurs after 24 weeks of gestation, it may already indicate signs of labor, although it may also indicate some problems.

  • What it can be: some situations can be placenta previa or placental detachment. In addition, some women may also experience minor bleeding in late pregnancy due to labor, removal of the mucous plug and rupture of the membranes, which is usually accompanied by irregular contractions that indicate that the baby will be born soon. Learn more about this normal bleeding at: How to identify the mucous plug. What to do: the pregnant woman must immediately go to the emergency room and notify the obstetrician who accompanies her.

In these last 3 months, it is still frequent for the woman to bleed after intimate contact, since the birth canal becomes more sensitive, bleeding easily. In this case, the woman should only go to the hospital if the bleeding continues for more than 1 hour.

Bleeding in pregnancy: causes and what to do in each trimester